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. 2012 Mar;50(3):651–656. doi: 10.1128/JCM.05084-11

Table 1.

Methods and reagents used for serotyping of Haemophilus influenza and serogrouping of Neisseria meningitidis

Laboratory Serotyping of H. influenzae
Serogrouping of N. meningitidis
Method Source, reagent, or reference(s) Method Source, reagent, and/or reference(s)
1 Slide agglutination Difco Laboratories Real-time PCRa 27
2 Slide agglutination Remel (Thermo Fisher) Slide agglutination Antisera provided by the National Microbiology Laboratory;
PCRb 8, 9, 19, 36
3 PCR 15, 18 Slide agglutination Antisera provided by the National Microbiology Laboratory
4 Slide agglutination Difco Laboratories Latex agglutination Slidex (Pasteur-Merieux), Wellcogen (Remel), Pastorex meningitis kit (Bio-Rad Laboratories)
Coagglutination In-house group-specific rabbit antisera; 2
PCRc 8, 9, 36
5 Slide agglutination Difco Laboratories Slide agglutination In-house-produced rabbit antisera; 3
PCR 15 PCRd 5, 8, 9, 36

PCR targeting the sacB gene of serogroup A, the siaD genes of serogroups B and C, the synF gene of serogroup Y, the synG gene of serogroup W135, and the xcbB gene of serogroup X.


PCR targeting the sacB and mynC genes of serogroup A, the siaD genes of serogroups B and C, the synF gene of serogroup Y, and the synG gene of serogroup W135.


PCR targeting the sacB and mynC genes of serogroup A, the siaD genes of serogroups B and C, the synF gene of serogroup Y, and the synG gene of serogroup W135.


PCR targeting the sacB gene of serogroup A, the siaD genes of serogroups B and C, the synF gene of serogroup Y, the synG gene of serogroup W135, and unique regions of the ctrA genes specific for serogroups 29E, X, and Z.