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. 2012 Jan 3;120(3):418–424. doi: 10.1289/ehp.1103631

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of the study populations.

Baseline Follow-up
Characteristic at enrollment Percent (n) Median (5th–95th percentile) Percent (n) Median (5th–95th percentile)
All 100 (44,436) 100 (33,275)
Age (years) 55.9 (50.7–64.1) 55.8 (50.7–64.0)
Women 52 (23,092) 53 (17,526)
Men 48 (21,344) 47 (15,749)
Years of education
≤ 7 33 (14,467) 31 (10,257)
8–10 46 (20,443) 47 (15,495)
≥ 11 21 (9,526) 23 (7,523)
Municipality SESa
Low 14 (6,268) 14 (4,517)
Medium 64 (28,573) 64 (21,254)
High 22 (9,595) 23 (7,504)
Copenhagen city 26 (11,486) 25 (8,258)
Aarhus city 29 (13,028) 29 (9,648)
Copenhagen/Aarhus surroundings 45 (19,922) 46 (15,369)
BMI (kg/m2) 25.3 (20.4–32.8) 25.1 (20.3–32.2)
Never 36 (15,824) 37 (12,395)
Former 28 (12,258) 28 (9,471)
Current 37 (16,354) 34 (11,409)
Drinking alcohol
No 2 (958) 2 (585)
Yes (g/day) 98 (43,478) 13.1 (1.00–60.5) 98 (32,690) 13.2 (1.20–61.6)
Intake of fruit and vegetables (g/day) 346 (108–798) 351 (115–799)
Physical activity
No 45 (19,902) 42 (14,085)
Yes (hr/week) 55 (24,534) 2.0 (0.5–7.0) 58 (19,190) 2.0 (0.5–6.5)
NOx measure (µg/m3)b
NOx, 1 year 20.2 (14.3–86.8) 20.0 (14.3–85.4)
NOx, 5 year 19.6 (14.3–87.5) 19.3 (14.3–85.7)
NO2, 1 year 16.3 (12.0–32.6) 16.2 (12.4–32.5)
NO2, 5 year 15.6 (11.9–32.7) 15.6 (12.0–32.2)
NO, 1 year 3.64 (2.19–54.3) 3.62 (2.23–52.3)
NO, 5 year 4.03 (2.24–55.3) 3.79 (2.34–53.9)
Major roadc within 50 m
No 92 (40,973) 92 (30,763)
Yes 8 (3,462) 8 (2,512)
Traffic load within 200 m (103 vehicle km/day) 2.46 (0.27–15.0) 2.34 (0.27–14.9)
Road traffic noise (Lden, dB) 56.3 (48.4–70.0) 56.1 (48.3–69.9)
Baseline SBP (mmHg) 136 (108–172) 134 (108–166)
Baseline DBP (mmHg) 81 (67–100) 80 (66–96)
aBased on municipality information on education, work market affiliation, and income. bTime-weighted average concentration at residences at and before enrollment. cMore than 10,000 vehicles per day.