Figure 2. Multiple sequence alignment of Shisa proteins.
The cysteine-rich domains and transmembrane regions of representative Shisa proteins (with a ‘C*C*CC*C*CC*C’ pattern) from nine vertebrate Shisa subfamilies (Shisa1-9) and one sequence from Branchiostoma floridae (Shisa_Bf) are included in this alignment NCBI accession numbers are shown. A few proteins were derived from genome or EST sequences (accession numbers in italic and underlined). Starting and ending residues numbers for sequences with protein accession numbers are shown before and after the sequences respectively. Protein lengths are shown in brackets. Conserved cysteines are shaded in yellow or red (the additional two cysteine positions compared to Shisa-like proteins). Non-charged residues in positions with mainly hydrophobic residues were shaded in cyan. Prolines and glycines are shown in red letters. Cysteines within and after the predicted transmembrane segments are shaded in gray. Arginines and lysines, occurring frequently C-terminal to the predicted transmembrane segments, are shown in blue letters. Species name abbreviations shown after the accession numbers are as follows: Bf, Branchiostoma floridae; Dr, Danio rerio; Gg, Gallus gallus; Hs, Homo sapiens; Om, Oncorhynchus mykiss; Oa, Ornithorhynchus anatinus; Xt: Xenopus tropicalis; and Xl, Xenopus laevis.