Table 1.
Plants used in Libyan folk therapy at the beginning of XXth Century according to Trotter data.
Botanical name | Local names | Part(s) used | Description of uses | Present uses in Libya and neighboring Countries |
Aaronsohnia pubescens (Desf.) K. Bremer et Humphries (PORUN - TTF2300) ASTERACEAE |
uàs-uàsa (arab); uscescuane (tuaregh) | Leaves | Grounded and eaten against gastro-intestinal aches | The whole plant in infusion is used for gastro-intestinal troubles and kidney stones. It is collected and sold in the markets of South Algeria [21] |
Achillea maritima (L.) Ehrend. et Y.P. Guo (PORUN - TTF2318) ASTERACEAE |
agbita, sciba (Algeria) | Aerial part | Sold as a febrifuge and emmenagogues | In Marmarica, it is known as medicinal plant [22]. In North African countries, the flowering branches are considered a febrifuge, emmenagogue, tonic, and taenifuge [23] |
Ajuga iva (L.) Schreb. (PORUN - TTD52; TTF1411) LAMIACEAE Additional file 1 |
sciandagúra (arab); assaron? (Cirenaica); tletúl teelscín (berber) | Aerial part | A cold infusion is anthelminthic; mixed with other components, against pulmonary affections | In Marmarica, the plant is considered medicinal [22]. A decoction of the aerial parts is administered against rheumatic pains, and as a carminative and stomachic. Aerial parts are also used as incense in ritual practices [24]. In Morocco, the hot infusion is considered antidiabetic [23]; also used as an anthelmintic and for intestinal disorders [25]. Crushed leaves and seeds are smoked for their narcotic effects [26] |
Aloë vera L. (PORUN - TTF2331) ASPHODELACEAE |
sabbàr | Leaf juice | Medicinal properties (not described) | The transparent gel from leaf pulp is used as a vulnerary and laxative in different African countries [27] |
Alpinia officinarum Hance (PORUN - TTD17) ZINGIBERACEAE Additional file 2 |
cúlgan, cúlgian | Rhizome | Tonic | Drug imported from East Asia and used in Egypt and Morocco, used as an antitussive and stimulant [22,25]. A preparation from the root is used for rheumatism and sexual impotence [24] |
Arbutus unedo L. (PORUN - TTF895) ERICACEAE |
sc'meri (arab); linz (Algeria); isisnu, sciscnu (berber) | Bark of roots and leaves | Astringent | The decoction of leaves or raw fruits to treat kidney diseases [26] |
Artemisia arborescens L. (PORUN - TTD51) ASTERACEAE Additional file 3 |
sézeret Marian (arab); scih | Young shoots, flowers, leaves | A decoction against intestinal affections | In Morocco, the plant is considered anthelmintic, aperitive, diuretic, emmenagogue and abortive [25]. A leaf infusion to treat common colds, vertigo, and helminthiasis. Powdered leaves are externally applied for skin infections and wrinkles [24] |
Artemisia campestris L. subsp. variabilis (Ten.) Greuter (PORUN - TTF484) ASTERACEAE |
sc'ahâl (arab); togoft, tegoft, taghert, tâghiat (berber); teghoch (tuaregh) | Flowers, leaves | Anthelminthic, known as dua lehnâsc | In Algeria, it is used as a substitute for A. absinthium [23]. In Tassilli N'ajjer (South Algeria), aerial parts and flowers are used for post-partum care, emmenagogue, analeptic, and antispasmodic. Also used as an anthelminthic, for stomach and liver affections. Vulnerary [28] |
Artemisia herba-alba Asso (PORUN -TTF482) ASTERACEAE Figure 3 |
scih (arab); aghares (berber); azezzeré, zezzeri (temahac) | The whole plant and the inflorescence | In the Fezzan, the dried plant is ground and used as a stomachic | In Marmarica region, it is known as fodder and as a medicinal plant [22]. A potion of the plant is drunk in North Sahara against digestive troubles, as an anthelmintic, and to treat eye affections and obesity [29]. A branch decoction is used for rheumatic pains and helminthiasis [24]. In Morocco, the plant is administered against gastrointestinal affection, as an antiseptic, anthelmintic, antidote to poisons, hypoglycemiant and emmenagogue [25] |
Asphodelus refractus Boiss. (PORUN - TTF2304) ASPHODELACEAE |
not reported | Leaves | Diuretic | Roots, shoots and leaves are used from Egypt to Morocco as a tonic and stomachic, against headache, liver affections rheumatisms, and for treatment of syphilis [23] |
Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. s.l. (PORUN - TTF2302) BALANITACEAE |
hagilidi, heglig (arab); tebôrac (temahac); tsciaisciot (Tuat); addua (Haussa) | Young leaves, pulp of fruits | Leaves to clean sores; pulp fruit used in spleen diseases and to kill Guinea worms (Vena medensis) | The leaf decoction is used in the central Sahara (Algeria) and in other North African countries, as an anthelminthic, against skin affections, and as a vulnerary. Also administered to cure stomach, liver, pulmonary and spleen affections [23,28]. In Sudan, the fruit is administered as a purgative, a bark decoction against jaundice, and branch fumigation against rheumatisms [30]. Also used as purgative and for bilharzias [31] |
Boswellia sacra Flüeckiger (PORUN - TTD39; TTF2305) BURSERACEAE Additional file 4 |
lúban | Resin of stem | The yellowish granules of the resin are burnt and chewed for their aphrodisiac properties | The species grows in South Arabia and is known by the Arabians as "maghrayt d'sheehaz". The resin is traditionally sold in African markets as a disinfectant and also used in the preparation of cosmetics [32] |
Brassica napus L. s.l. (PORUN - TTF2308) BRASSICACEAE |
léft (arab); afrân (temahac) | Seeds | Medicinal properties (not described) | Included among Libyan medicinal plants as an emollient (roots) [33] |
Capparis orientalis Veillard in Duh. (PORUN - TTD7; TTF101) CAPPARACEAE Additional file 5 |
cábbar (arab); tilult (berber) | Leaves | Near Tripoli, a decoction of the plant is mixed with other herbs as a stomachic | In North Sahara, it is administered as a pain-killer, mainly to treat toothaches, and against rheumatisms [29]. In central Sahara (Tassili N'ajjer, Algeria), a poultice of fresh leaves is topically applied against rheumatism pains and headache [28]. Flowers and fruits are macerated to treat rheumatism [26]. An infusion of root bark is used as a cholagogue [24] |
Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. (PORUN - TTF2316) CUCURBITACEAE |
handel, handla (arab); taghillilut (berber); tassellet (mezabita); alched, hagi (tuaregh) | Seeds | Seed infusion against the viper bites | Roots are used as an abortive. In Morocco, it is considered as a antiepileptic, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, and hypoglycemiant. Also administered against gonorrhea and tinea [25]. Moreover, the fruit, broken into small pieces, is used to protect woolen clothing from moths [21] |
Coriandrum sativum L. (PORUN - TTF2313) APIACEAE |
cússbur, cóssbor (arab) | Fruits | A syrup made from the fruit used against pulmonary affections | Aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, tonic. Seed and leaf decoction used against kidney stones, intestinal pains, insomnia, and scurvy [25,26]. Fruits are placed onto fire to remove bad spirits [24] |
Cuminum cyminum L. (PORUN - TTD9) APIACEAE Additional file 6 |
chemún ahdar (arab); azcar (tuaregh) | Fruits | Chewed against stomach disorders | A milk infusion of fruit is administered against gastric pains and as an intestinal antiseptic, carminative and sudorific [24,25]. Also used in veterinary medicine [23] |
Cupressus sempervirens L. (PORUN - TTD60; TTF854) CUPRESSACEAE Additional file 7 |
arz, sirùa (arab) | Seeds | An infusion against cough and heart diseases | In Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, the cones are considered antidiarrheal, antihemorrhagic, astringent, diuretic, expectorant, and sudorific [23]. In the El-Jabal El-Akhdar region (Libya), leaves and cones are administered in different ways against asthma, piles, and vaginal discharge [34] |
Curcuma longa L. (PORUN - TTF2320) ZINGIBERACEAE |
córcob | Roots | Medicinal properties (not described) | In Morocco, it is used as a digestive, stimulant, for blood diseases, and against amnesia [25]. The powdered rhizome is taken orally as a condiment, tonic, calefacient and digestive [24] |
Cymbopogon schoenanthus (L.) Spreng. s.l. (PORUN - TTD79) POACEAE Additional file 8 |
led'her (Mizda, arab); bu'rucûba, semmad (Algeria); lemmed, tiberrimt, leberint (Algeria) | Basal part of the plant | Fumigation against a kind of influence called ahón | The plant is used in different countries of North Africa as an antihirheumatic, diuretic, emmenagogue, and febrifuge [23] |
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (PORUN - TTF1127) POACEAE |
négem (arab); tobbalt (berber); asezmir (mezabita); oscerar (temahac) | Whole plant | The decoction is a diuretic | Diuretic [25]. Root decoction against stomach disorders [26]. A decoction of the rhizome or aerial part against rheumatisms, kidney stones, uterine and menstrual pains, and abortion [24] |
Cyperus rotundus L. s.l. (PORUN - TTF2307) CYPERACEAE |
giaâd (arab) | Tubers | A water potion against heart diseases | North African Countries. The tubercles are used to cure a wide range of affections [23] In Sudan, a tuber decoction is used to treat stomach troubles and as an anthelmintic [30]. Stem galls mixed with leaves of Lawsonia inermis are powdered, kneaded with water and applied as a hair tonic [24]. The tubers are used to increase body weight [21] In Morocco, the plant is considered to be a cosmetic and aromatic and is used in hair care [25] |
Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton (PORUN - TTD8) ZINGIBERACEAE Additional file 9 |
cacúla | Fruits | Fruit is grounded and mixed with honey into a tonic | Powdered seeds are used in a preparation administered as an aphrodisiac, digestive, and stimulant. Seeds are also used as a condiment [24,25] |
Ephedra alata Decne. s.l. (PORUN - TTF2310) EPHEDRACEAE |
alenda (arab); timatrat (temahac) | Seeds and young shoots | Medicinal properties (not described) | Used in Algeria, Libya, and Morocco as an anthiasthmatic, anti-hypertensive, astringent, and depurative as well as used against headaches and for treatment of pulmonary affections [23] |
Euphorbia guyoniana Boiss. et Reut. (PORUN - TTF918) Euphorbia paralias L. (PORUN - TTF922) EUPHORBIACEAE |
lebbîn (arab) | Latex | Topical application against viper bites | Different Euphorbia species are used in Morocco to treat skin diseases [26] |
Ferula marmarica Asch. et Schweinf. (PORUN - TTD22) APIACEAE Additional file 10 |
fassuch | Gum resin | Medicinal properties (not described) | Source of gum ammoniac [35] |
Globularia alypum L. s.l. (PORUN - TTF2077) GLOBULARIACEAE |
zréga, zrga (arab); taselrha? (berber); tidi-n-tenet (tuaregh) | Leaves and branches Aerial part |
The decoction is used as a laxative, against intermittent fevers and topically in the cure of furuncles | In North African countries, branch and leaf decoctions are prepared to cure intermittent fevers, arthritis and rheumatisms and used as a depurative, diuretic, hypoglycemiant and laxative [23,25]. The decoction of the aerial parts is administered against constipation, fever, and mycosis [28]. A leaf infusion is used as a hypoglycemic, digestive, and laxative as well as for bilious stimulation [24] |
Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Forssk.) A. Juss. (PORUN - TTD59; TTF2064) RUTACEAE Additional file 11 |
sézeret er rîh (arab) | Aerial part | Laxative | In Egypt and Saharan territories, flowering and fruiting branches are used to cure gastro-intestinal affections, intermittent fevers, and rheumatisms. The plant is also an aphrodisiac and administered against eye and ear affections [23] |
Hedypnois cretica (L.) Dum.Cours. (PORUN - TTF2312) ASTERACEAE |
sézeret er rîh (arab) | Aerial part | Against meteorism and to cure haón (a kind of influence) | Medicinal uses not described for Maghreb and neighboring countries. Known as an edible plant in different Mediterranean countries [36,37] |
Hyoscyamus muticus L. subsp. falezlez (Coss.) Maire (PORUN - TTF2315) SOLANACEAE |
gungot (arab); falezlez (arab); afahlehle (temahac); bathim, buthima | Aerial part | The plant is severely poisonous. The extract of the aerial part mixed with butter is used externally against rheumatic affections | Known as medicinal plant in Marmarica [22]. In North Sahara, a potion is drunk as a tonic [29]. The oil macerate of leaves is topically used in Tassili N'ajjer against backache, muscular cramps, spasms, and palpitation anxiety as well as to treat eye inflammation and lice [28] |
Jateorhiza palmata (Lam.) Miers (PORUN - TTD69; TTF2322) MENISPERMACEAE Additional file 12 |
zarámba | Roots | Infusion in orange water is given against cardiac affections | Its use is largely diffused in East and Central Africa as a bitter tonic, analgesic, and against diarrhea [38] |
Juniperus oxycedrus L. s.l. (PORUN - TTF2327) CUPRESSACEAE |
taga (Algeria) | Wood of the stem | Trunks are carbonized to give an oil (the cade oil) that is used against skin affections | In Tunisia and Morocco, the tar produced by the wood is antiparasitic and antiseptic for the skin [23] |
Launaea quercifolia (Desf.) Pamp. (PORUN - TTF654) ASTERACEAE |
machinàn (arab) | Aerial part | Eaten against rheumatic aches | Medicinal uses not described for Maghreb and neighboring countries. In Morocco, L. arborescens is used to cure diabetes and against nausea and skin troubles [21] |
Laurus nobilis L. (PORUN - TTD47) LAURACEAE Additional file 13 |
rénd, rhár (arab) | Dried leaves | Medicinal plant (uses not described). Dried leaves are sold in the markets by herbalists | Leaf and fruit oil has a cosmetic application for face care. An infusion of leaves and fruits is administered for dental hygiene and to cure liver, pancreas and digestive diseases. The decoction of the same parts is given to treat rheumatic pains [24,25] |
Lawsonia inermis L. (PORUN - TTF1798) LYTHRACEAE |
hénna (arab); alen (berber); anella (temahac) | Aerial part | Astringent, vulnerary, used against dandruff and chilblains. Abortive | Leaves are antiseptic and astringent as well as used against eye affections and in the preparation of antirheumatic liniments. Flowers have insecticide properties [23]. Leaves powdered and mixed with water are applied as a hair tonic or mixed with lime juice as an emetic [24]. Also administered against gastric ulcer and kidney stones [25] |
Lepidium sativum L. s.l. (PORUN - TTD34; TTF852) BRASSICACEAE Additional file 14 |
habb' rsciad (arab); carabau, tsc'uit (Algeria) | Seeds | Sold in the markets and used to cure cough and asthma | In North Africa, the seeds, crushed with honey, or seed flour are administered against cough and pulmonary affections, delivery difficulties, heart tonic, revulsive and also in the cure of skin troubles. The leaves are considered tonic and effective in the prevention of scurvy; frequently used as a condiment [23,25]. The milk infusion of seeds is used to cure migraines. Seeds boiled in oil are used to treat diarrhea. Powdered seeds are externally applied for skin ulcers and warts. Seeds are also part of a preparation used in the treatment of sexual impotence [24] |
Marrubium alysson L. (PORUN - TTF1423) Marrubium vulgare L. (PORUN - TTF1429) LAMIACEAE |
rúbia, róbia (arab) | Aerial part | The powdered plant, mixed with oil, is used for rheumatism | Flowers have insecticide properties [23]. A leaf and stem decoction is used to treat intestinal pains, cough, and colds. Crushed leaves are used against ear pains [26]. An infusion of the aerial parts is used as an antipyretic, expectorant, antidiarrheal, tonic, bilious stimulation and for bronchitis and menstrual pains. The aerial part is also boiled with wine to obtain a syrup used as a stomachic [24,25] |
Matricaria aurea (Loefl.) Sch. Bip. (PORUN - TTD25; TTF666) ASTERACEAE Additional file 15 |
fleia (arab); greisa (Cirenaica) | Flowering branches | The decoction is used against gastro-intestinal affections | In the Middle East, the plant is used as a substitute for M. chamomilla [39] |
Myrtus communis L. s.l. (PORUN - TTD31) MYRTACEAE Additional file 16 |
rehân, ghemmâm, gidra (arab) | Leaves and flowers | The plant has many medicinal uses | The plant is sold in the Algiers and Rabat markets for use against diarrhea, gastro-intestinal disorders, asthma and other respiratory ailments. It is also topically applied for painful organs. The plant is also used in perfumery and cosmetics [23,25]. Leaves and buds are used against hemorrhoids and skin affections. Fruits are administered for the cure of ocular disorders. An infusion of the leaves is used as a mouthwash against gingivitis and in association with walnut and mulberry in the treatment of diabetes [21]. A leaf decoction is used against cardiac and intestinal affections [26]. A leaf infusion is used against pneumonia, diarrhea and to promote wound healing. For hair care, a mixture with Lawsonia inermis is locally applied [24] |
Nitraria retusa (Forssk.) Asch. (PORUN - TTF2317) ZYGOPHYLLACEAE |
gárdegh (arab); atazzim (temahac) | Leaves | Crushed leaves are put in hot water and then used as a poultice against swellings | The leaves are used in Tunisia to reduce swellings, and the ashes are used to cure infected wounds [21] |
Olea europaea L. s.l. (PORUN - TTF1811) OLEACEAE |
zêt, zêt ez zitûna | Oil | Excipient of many plant drugs | A leaf decoction is used against nervous troubles and as an anthelmintic. Powdered leaves are used in the treatment of diabetes; burnt leaves are used to cure eye affections. Olive oil is administered to cure dry cough and grippe [26]. In Morocco, it is used for mouth hygiene, stomach pains, intestinal diseases, and diabetes [24,25] |
Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. (PORUN - TTF2329) CACTACEAE |
híndi (arab) | Flowers | Medicinal properties (not described) | The powdered flower is used against stomach disorders [26]. An infusion of flowers is administered to stop diarrhea and as a diuretic. Flowers are also part of a preparation used as a calefacient [24]. In Morocco, it is also administered to cure bladder, kidney and uterus infections [25] |
Orchis mascula (L.) L. s.l. (PORUN - TTF2326) ORCHIDACEAE |
sahalep | Whole plant | Used in the preparation of a medicinal powder | No medicinal use reported for Maghreb or Sahara |
Origanum majorana L. (PORUN - TTD41) LAMIACEAE Additional file 17 |
mardgúscia (arab) | Aerial part | Against dysentery | In the Algiers market, the plant is sold to cure eye affections [23] In Morocco, the infusion of branches is used to treat chills, fever, cough, and flatulence [25,26] |
Origanum vulgare L. s.l. (PORUN - TTF2303) LAMIACEAE |
Flowers | Flowers have medicinal properties | In Tunisia and Algeria, the leaves and flowering branches are used as a stimulant [23] | |
Paliurus spina-christi Mill. (PORUN - TTF2321) RHAMNACEAE |
sédr, zegregh, ennab, corna (arab); abaga, labacat (temahac); magaria, cussulu (Algeria) | Young shoots Leaves |
Anthelmintic | Medicinal uses not reported in Maghreb and neighboring regions. Used in the East Mediterranean region to treat respiratory, circulatory and gastro-intestinal disorders [40] |
Paronychia argentea Lam. (PORUN - TTF2301) PARONYCHIACEAE |
theia el arab, theia el gebel (Algeria) | Aerial part | Infusion used against dysentery | Used as an antidiabetic in the East Mediterranean [41] |
Peganum harmala L. (PORUN - TTD35; TTF2067) ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Additional file 18 |
hármal (arab); bender tifli, bender tifîn (tuaregh) | Seeds | Oil is used against headaches; burnt against mental diseases | The plant is sold in North African markets and used for a large number of affections. In Sudan, it is used against inflammations of the head, face and mouth as well as against headache and sinusitis [31]. The leaf decoction is used against high blood pressure and hemorrhoids [21]. In Tassili N'ajjer (Algeria), a decoction of seeds is taken to treat a large number of affections, ranging from skin diseases to nervous disorders, including anxiety. Also used to treat diabetes, helminthiasis and jaundice. The seed decoction is externally applied against tumors, eczema and lice [28]. Similar uses are also reported for Morocco and the Northern Sahara [25,29]. Powdered seeds of barley and P. harmala are topically applied against rheumatism [21] |
Periploca angustifolia Labill. (PORUN - TTF2306) APOCYNACEAE |
sinuâc, teborac, arac (arab); têhac (temahac); chigu (near Tchad) | Dried leaves Fruits |
A decoction of dried leaves is used against syphilis mixed with a substance called ras el hânut A violet, pungent beverage is a slight laxative |
The seed decoction is used as a local analgesic and antirheumatic [23]. In Tassili N'ajjer (Algeria), the decoction of seeds or the aerial part of the plant can be drunk as an abortive and to cure diabetes. Externally, used to treat rheumatism and various pains [28]. Fodder appreciated in arid areas, eaten by camels, sheep and goats |
Phoenix dactylifera L. (PORUN - TTF2323) ARECACEAE |
na'hla (arab); tezdit (berber); tazzeit, tazeit (temahac); zui (Augila) | Fruits | The fruits are used to make an alcoholic beverage to which is attributed medicinal properties. | In North African countries, the wood of the palm is used as toothbrush. Dates are used as against ulcers of the genital organs and as a diuretic, laxative, and tonic [23] |
Piper retrofractum Vahl (PORUN - TTD19) PIPERACEAE Additional file 19 |
dahr el filfil | Flowers | Imported in Libya from Sudan. When mixed with honey is used as an aphrodisiac | The plant is imported from Asian countries. In Morocco, the plant is known for its aphrodisiac, calefacient and magic properties [25] |
Pistacia atlantica Desf. (PORUN - TTD3; TTF16) ANACARDIACEAE Additional file 20 |
batúm (arab); tizert (berber) | Fruits | Sold in the markets. It is chewed against respiratory affections. The oil has similar properties | Leaves are used against skin affections. Fruits are used to season dates. Used for tanning [23]. In Marmarica, it is used as fuel, grazing and medicinal plants [22]. Burnt leaves are used in a poultice against eye affections [26]. In Morocco, fruits are administered against stomach-ache, whereas the gall is used for cosmetic applications, against fever and stomach diseases [25] |
Plantago afra L. s.l. (PORUN - TTF2324) PLANTAGINACEAE |
anàm, nenàm (arab) | Whole plant | Vulnerary. Powdered and dried is administered in topical applications | In Marmarica, used as medicinal plant [22]. In North African countries, used against metabolic disorders, gastro-intestinal affections, hemorrhoids, skin diseases, urinary tract disorders, and venereal diseases. Fresh leaves are applied topically for poison ivy, insect bites and stings [21] |
Punica granatum L. (PORUN - TTD37) PUNICACEAE Additional file 21 |
rummân, rummâna (arab); taarmunt, armun (fruit) (berber); tarrumant (temahac) | Flowers | Flowers are medicinal. Seeds are tonic and aphrodisiac | In Egypt, fruit peels are sold as an astringent; dried powdered peel is sold in Morocco as an antidiabetic, antidiarrheal, antiseptic, antiulcerous, astringent, and hemostatic as well as against gastro-intestinal and gynecological disorders and for cleansing the teeth [23-26] |
Ricinus communis L. s.l. (PORUN - TTD14) RUTACEAE Additional file 22 |
chèrua (arab) | Seeds | The water infusion is a laxative (also chewed seeds). Leaves are used in the preparation of poultices | Known as a medicinal plant in Marmarica [22]. In Central Sahara, the seed decoction is used against fevers and headaches or externally applied to cure trachoma, aphthae, and hair loss [28]. A decoction is administered to treat cow jaundice [24]. In Sudan, the fresh leaves are rubbed on the head to relieve headache or on the legs against swellings [30] |
Rosa damascena Mill. (PORUN - TTF2325) ROSACEAE |
uárd (arab) | Rose buds | The herbalists in Tripoli sell dried rose buds for medicinal purposes (sciús el uárd) | Dried flower buds are used against headache, stomach pains, toothaches, and as laxative and hair tonic are sold in North African markets [23,25]. Used also in the cure of numerous affection of the eyes and ears [23] The flower infusion is used as a laxative. A mixture with other plants is applied externally [24] |
Rosmarinus officinalis L. (PORUN - TTD16; TTF1441) LAMIACEAE Additional file 23 |
clíl (arab); uzbir, uzuer (berber) | Leaves | The infusion is used against cough; ground dried leaves in oil are vulnerary | The leaf decoction is administered against intestinal parasites and rheumatism in Central Sahara [26] as well as an emmenagogue, spasmolytic against gastro-intestinal and liver disorders, diuretic, carminative and sedative in Morocco [25]. A leaf infusion is also prepared against tachycardia and as a cholagogue and vasopressor. Leaves are also externally applied against wrinkles, muscular pains and rheumatism and as a vulnerary [24]. In Tunisia, rosemary leaves are used as an antispasmodic for the digestive tracts and as a vermifuge. Dried leaves, ground and mixed with olive oil, are put on recent circumcision wounds [21] |
Ruta chalepensis L. (PORUN - TTF2069) Ruta sp. (PORUN - TTD24) Additional file 24 Ruta graveolens L. (PORUN - TTF2309) RUTACEAE |
fgél, figél (arab); issîn (temahac) fgél, fesál (arab) |
Aerial part Aerial part |
Sold in Tripoli market, and used against rheumatic affections and ecchymosis. The smell of the plant keeps the scorpions away from houses In Cyrenaica, a potion made with this plant is administered to newborns as a tonic |
In Rabat Market, the plant is sold for use against nervous affections, and in Algiers markets, for use against vomiting and fevers of children and babies [23]. Washing with crushed leaves is used against ear pains, and leaves are smoked to keep away bad spirits [26]. In Morocco, the aerial parts are used as an abortive, for intestinal and hepatic diseases, male sterility, and vitiligo [25]. Also known as a vulnerary, emmenagogue, and spasmodic; the fresh plant is used as a scorpion and insect repellent. Leaves and seeds, boiled in olive oil, are rubbed on the skin to treat rheumatism and swellings [21] |
Salvia aegyptiaca L. (PORUN - TTF1370) LAMIACEAE |
ra'al, sezeret el rházel (arab, ex Muschler); safsaf (tuaregh) | 1. aerial part; 2. leaves | The infusion is digestive. The leaves are kept in the nose to give a fresh sensation |
In Marmarica, it is used as grazing plant [22]. In Tassili N'ajjer (Algeria), seeds are topically applied as an eye antiseptic. The infusion of the aerial part is a febrifuge, painkiller, and antispasmoic. Also used to treat digestive troubles and infected wounds [28] |
Schoenocaulon officinale (Schltdl. et Cham.) A. Gray ex Benth. (PORUN - TTF2311) MELANTHIACEAE |
duá ghémel | Seeds | Against lice | Used as an insecticide in North Africa and on other continents [42] |
Smyrnium olusatrum L. (PORUN - TTF2193) APIACEAE |
calch (arab) | Aerial part | Abortive | The genus Smyrnium is included among the medicinal plants of Morocco and is mainly used as a calefacient [25,43]; the fruits are ground to powder and put in water for a cold in the chest. The decoction is recommended for headaches [44] |
Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip. (PORUN - TTF2332; TTD63) ASTERACEAE Additional file 25 |
usciach | Gum resin Roots |
Imported from Marseille and sold in the markets. It is dissolved in vinegar against contusions or to cure furuncles Medicinal properties (not described) |
Used against fever, rheumatoid arthritis and migraines in the popular medicine of Africa, Europe and America [45] |
Teucrium polium L. s.l. (PORUN - TTD65; TTF1389) LAMIACEAE Additional file 26 |
giaád, zaád (arab); techmezzutin (tuaregh) | Aerial part | Gastro-intestinal affections | Used in North Africa against dysmenorrhea [21]. In Morocco, the aerial parts are used against chill, edema, live pain and for blood cleansing [25] |
Thapsia garganica L. s.l. (PORUN - TTF2196) BRASSICACEAE |
drias (arab) | Inflorescence | Vulnerary | The infusion of the aerial parts is used against cough and rheumatic pains. The root infusion is used to treat liver and bladder diseases, and an oil is externally applied for swelling and wrinkles [24] |
Thymus capitatus (L.) Hoffmanns. et Link (PORUN - TTD70; TTF1401) Additional file 27 Thymus mastigophorus Lacaita (PORUN - TTF2328) LAMIACEAE |
zaátar (arab); sótar (berber) zaátar (arab); arrar? (berber) |
Leaves and floral shoots | A cold infusion against cough | Eaten as vegetable in Marmarica and also known as medicinal plant [22]. In Libya, the plant is used for coughs, as a tonic, and against skin affections [23] |
Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (PORUN - TTF1596) FABACEAE |
hélba (arab) | Seeds | Against cough, febrifuge | Cultivated and naturalized in North Africa [23]. The seed decoction is used for uterine pains. Boiled seeds are also ingested as a hypoglycemic, while powdered seed mixed with water are externally applied as a hair tonic [24]. In Morocco, seeds are considered to be blood cleansing and an aortic-palpitation reconstituant [25]. In Sudan, it is administered against rheumatism and dysentery as well as for cleaning the blood. It is also reputed as a lactagogue [31]. In Tasili N'ajjar (Algeria), the decoction of the aerial parts or seeds are used to cure diabetes, clean the blood, and as a tonic and an analeptic [28]. Seed maceration is effective to treat diabetes, scurvy, and digestive troubles [26] |
Zingiber officinale Roscoe (PORUN - TTF2330) ZINGIBERACEAE |
zéngibil, schéngibil | Roots | Aphrodisiac | Used in North Africa for a wide range of affections [23]. In Sudan, used for colds and rheumatism as well as to treat pneumonia [31] |
Evernia furfuracea (L.) Mann (PORUN - TTD56) PARMELIACEAE Additional file 28 |
scíba | Fragments of thallus | When mixed with other species of lichens (see below), it is used to prepare medicinal decoctions | Medicinal uses not reported for Maghreb and neighboring regions |
Ramalina calicaris (L.) Fr. (PORUN - TTD53) RAMALINACEAE Additional file 29 |
scíba | Fragments of thallus | See Evernia furfuracea | Medicinal uses not reported for Maghreb and neighboring regions |
Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach. (PORUN - TTD54) RAMALINACEAE Additional file 29 |
scíba | Fragments of thallus | See Evernia furfuracea | Medicinal uses not reported for Maghreb and neighboring regions |
Usnea plicata (L.) Fries (PORUN - TTD55) USNEACEAE Additional file 30 |
Fragments of thallus | See Evernia furfuracea | Medicinal uses not reported for Maghreb and neighboring regions |
The occurrence of? after a local name of a plant is a Trotter indication.