Fig. 3.
Detection of native TgSis1-like protein and co-immunoprecipitation analysis. (A) Left panel, purified recombinant rTgSis1 and putative rTgYdj1 were electrophoresed in SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. Middle and right panels, Western blot with rabbit α-TgSis1. T. gondii: parasite RH strain lysate. HFF: Protein extract from uninfected HFF cells. Pre-immune serum samples did not show reactivity (data not shown). Migration of molecular weight markers (PageRuler™Prestainded Protein Ladder, Fermentas International Inc.) is indicated in kilo Daltons (kDa). (B) Co-immunoprecipitation analysis. T. gondii RH strain lysates were used for immunoprecipitation (IP) using specific α-TgSis1 and T. gondii Hsp90 (α–Hsp90) antisera as indicated on the left side. IPs were analyzed by Western blotting with αTgSis1, α-Hsp90, and a commercial anti-human Hsp70 antibody (αHsp70). T. gondii RH strain lysate (Tg) was included in the Western blot analysis to identify the corresponding band. IP with pre-immune sera (Pre) was also analyzed with αTgSis1 and αHsp90 to test the specificity of the IP.