Table 4.
URICA Total |
URICA Pre. |
URICA Con. |
URICA Action |
URICA Main. |
TREAT Total |
TREAT Pre. |
TREAT Con. |
TREAT Prep. |
TREAT Action |
Treat Main. |
ASI Alcohol |
ASI Drug |
ASI Psych. |
URICA Total |
1.00 | ||||||||||||||
URICA Pre. |
−.74*** 100 |
1.00 | |||||||||||||
URICA Con. |
.91*** 100 |
−.59*** 100 |
1.00 | ||||||||||||
URICA Action |
.88*** 100 |
−.51*** 100 |
.80*** 100 |
1.00 | |||||||||||
URICA Main. |
.88*** 100 |
−.43*** 100 |
.81*** 100 |
.75*** 100 |
1.00 | ||||||||||
TREAT Total |
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | 1.00 | |||||||||
TREAT Pre. |
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | −.77*** 100 |
1.00 | ||||||||
TREAT Con. |
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | −.79*** | .44*** 100 |
1.00 | |||||||
TREAT Prep. |
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | .83*** | −.39*** 100 |
−.51*** 100 |
1.00 | ||||||
TREAT Action |
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | −.06 100 |
.08 100 |
.25* 100 |
.14 100 |
1.00 | |||||
TREAT Main. |
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | .16 100 |
.01 100 |
−.10 100 |
.27** 100 |
−.10 100 |
1.00 | ||||
MC-SDS | −.46*** 100 |
.28** 100 |
−.42*** 100 |
−.34*** 100 |
−.49*** 100 |
−.06 100 |
−.03 100 |
−.04 100 |
−.19† 100 |
−.11 100 |
.04 100 |
1.00 | |||
ASI Alcohol |
.38*** 100 |
−.31** 100 |
.33*** 100 |
.26** 100 |
.36*** 100 |
.04 100 |
.06 100 |
.06 100 |
.20* 100 |
.24* 100 |
.03 100 |
−.19** 200 |
1.00 | ||
ASI Drug |
.35*** 100 |
−.14 100 |
.38*** 100 |
.24* 100 |
.42*** 100 |
.22* 100 |
.02 100 |
−.12 100 |
.39*** 100 |
.21* 100 |
−.03 100 |
−.28*** 200 |
.17* 200 |
1.00 | |
ASI Psych. |
.36*** 99 |
−.14 99 |
.35*** 99 |
.25* 99 |
.44*** 99 |
.21* 100 |
.03 100 |
−.06 100 |
.44*** 100 |
.19† 100 |
.08 100 |
−.38*** 199 |
.38*** 199 |
.46*** 199 |
1.00 |
Tx. Attend. |
.05 100 |
−.10 100 |
.07 100 |
.03 100 |
.00 100 |
−.09 100 |
−.13 100 |
.07 100 |
−.26* 100 |
−.17† 100 |
−.12 100 |
.15* 200 |
−.02 200 |
−.16* 200 |
−.21** 199 |
URICA and TREAT scales were given to non-overlapping samples of 100 participants. MC-SDS is Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale; Pre is Precontemplation; Con is Contemplation; Prep is Preparation; Main is Maintenance; Psych is Psychiatric; Attend is Attendance.