A. One out of 30,000 control human sperm tracks (blue) and the corresponding averaged swimming path (purple; computed using a second-order Savitzky-Golay filter). The fast wiggling of the sperm head center is clearly visible. For later odds ratio calculations, angles ψ between a preferred direction and the frame-to-frame displacement vectors were binned according to the color wheel shown; the color-coded track illustrates the binning. B. Orientational correlation function C(t) of the swimming direction angle ψ for the sperm track from panel A (solid blue). This correlation function shows fast oscillations resulting from periodic head wiggling as well as slow decay on a time-scale of several seconds, which reflects directional persistence of sperm swimming. Also shown is a sample average of this autocorrelation (dotted blue) computed by averaging individual angle autocorrelation functions from n = 4,000 long sperm tracks (duration >10 sec). We can further define an analogous angle autocorrelation function for the direction angle of the averaged path (solid purple: for the averaged path from panel A; dotted purple: sample average). C. Empirical significance thresholds for the odds ratio of swimming direction angles for a human sperm population assay: An odds ratio O.R. = (N
0) greater than 1+Δ95%(N) with sample size N = min(N
0) should be statistically significant for positive chemotaxis at a 5%-confidence level. The test for negative chemotaxis reads O.R.<1−Δ5%. Significance thresholds were determined by block bootstrapping based on a large control data set of swimming direction angles of 30,000 sperm tracks. For various sample sizes N, we sampled a distribution of odds ratios by computing odds values for suitable random subsamples of size about N. Each subsample comprises the full angle data corresponding to a random selection of tracks. Upper inset: Distribution of odds ratios for N = 106 by bootstrapping. The 5% and 95% percentiles of this distribution represent the significance thresholds 1−Δ5% and 1+Δ95%, respectively. Lower inset: Significance thresholds Δ*5% and Δ*95% for a simulated control data set devoid of correlations as a function of test sample size N* (continuous lines, green Δ*5%, red Δ*95%). We obtain almost identical “significance thresholds”, if we employ simple bootstrapping drawing subsamples from pooled experimental angle data (not shown). The significance thresholds determined by block bootstrapping (open symbols, green Δ5%, red Δ95%) superpose with those for the simulated control data if we renormalize sample size as N* = 0.029N, i.e. Δ*5%(N*) ≈Δ5%(N) and Δ*95%(N*)≈Δ95%(N). N* can be regarded as an effective number of independent data points in an experimental sample of size N. D. Odds ratios characterizing biased motion of human sperm cells in a concentration gradient of the chemoattractant progesterone for various initial concentrations (black dots). Errorbars denote symmetric 90%-confidence intervals that were determined using bootstrapping based on the data from this particular experiment. Using bootstrapping on a separate, very large control data set, we can assign accurate significance levels p to each odds ratio. These significance levels represent the likelihood that the odds ratios in this particular experiment were drawn from the control distribution.