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. 2011 Mar 25;20(4):705–714. doi: 10.1007/s00520-011-1133-9

Table 1.

Characteristics of women with early-stage breast cancer (n = 185) and women from the reference population (ref. pop.: n = 548)

Patients Ref. pop. p value
General practice, n (%) 0.926a
 Groningen 64 (34.6) 182 (33.2)
 Hoogeveen 55 (29.7) 170 (31.0)
 Sappemeer 66 (35.7) 196 (35.8)
Age at diagnosis, median (range), years 56.2 (27.4–96.0) 55.8 (26.8–94.8) 0.854b
T stage, n (%)
 Tis 15 (8.6)
 T1 83 (47.7)
 T2/T3/T4 76 (43.7)
 Unknown 11
N stage, n (%)
 N0 112 (62.6)
 N+ 67 (37.4)
 Unknown 6
Surgery, n (%)
 None 3 (1.6)
 Lumpectomy 2 (1.1)
 Lumpectomy + radiation therapy 93 (50.3)
 Mastectomyc 61 (33.0)
 Mastectomyc + radiation therapy 26 (14.1)
Systemic treatment, n (%)
 None 85 (45.9)
 Chemotherapy 20 (10.8)
 Endocrine therapy 36 (19.5)
 Chemotherapy + endocrine therapy 44 (23.8)
Early endpoints in year since diagnosis, n (%)
 Recurrent breast cancer 1 (0.5)
 Departure 3 (1.6) 10 (1.8)
 Death 1 (0.5) 11 (2.0)
 Other 0 (0.0) 3 (0.5)
Observation time, median (range), days
 Period before diagnosis 365.0 (4.0–366.0) 365.0 (4.0–366.0) 0.716b
 Period since diagnosis 365.0 (33.0–366.0) 365.0 (10.0–366.0) 0.922b

aChi-square test

bMann–Whitney test

cIncluding patients treated with lumpectomy followed by mastectomy