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. 2012 Jan 10;7:1. doi: 10.1186/1747-597X-7-1

Table 2.

Baseline and 3-Month Follow-up Sex- and Drug-Risk Behaviors

Baseline (N = 100) 3-Month Follow-up (N = 91)
Outcome Measure
n (%)a or M (SD)
Baseline Total Sample
(N = 100)
Nutrition Condition
(n = 49)
Woman-Focused Intervention Condition
(n = 51)b
Follow-up Total Sample
(N = 91)
Nutrition Condition
(n = 42)
Woman-Focused Intervention Condition
(n = 49)

Traded sex for drugs, money, clothing, shelter, or any other goods in 90 days prior to drug treatment (yes) 30 (30%) 16 (32.7%) 14 (27.5%) 38 (41.8%) 14 (33.3%) 24 (49.0%)
Protected last sex acts with main sex partner (yes)c 18 (36.7%) 9 (37.5%) 9 (36%) 47 (59.5%)++ 16 (47.1%) 31 (68.9%)*
Mean number unprotected vaginal sex acts with main sex partner in 30 days prior to entering drug treatmentc 7.8 (8.8 SD) 6.4 (7.8 SD) 9.0 (9.5 SD) 4.3 (5.8 SD)++ 6.4 (6.8 SD) 2.6 (4.2 SD)**
Mean number unprotected sex acts with sex trading partner in 30 days prior to entering drug treatment 4.1 (19.6 SD) 7.5 (26.6 SD) 0.2 (0.6 SD) 2.3 (13.1 SD) 5.5 (20.6 SD) 0.1 (0.4 SD)
Impaired last sex (yes)
Participant 87 (89.7%) 40 (85.1%) 47 (94.0%) 68 (78.2%)+ 30 (75.0%) 38 (80.9%)
Partner 35 (36.1%) 15 (31.9%) 20 (40.0%) 20 (23.0%) 12 (30.0%) 8 (17.0%)
Impaired last vaginal sex - Unprotected (yes) 38 (39.2%) 18 (38.3%) 20 (40.0%) 26 (29.9%) 12 (30.0%) 14 (29.8%)
Last sex with main sex partner using female condom (yes)c 0 0 0 8 (12.1%) 0 8 (18.6%)*
Mean number of injections in past 30 days prior to drug treatment 96.7 (40.0 SD) 99.1 (41.6 SD) 94.6 (39.0 SD) 42.0 (40.2 SD) 44.6 (40.1 SD) 39.6 (40.6 SD)
Mean number of times used cotton, cooker/spoon, or rinse water used by someone else in past 30 days 8.0 (19.8 SD) 3.4 (6.8 SD) 12.0 (24.0 SD) 0.6 (2.7 SD) 1.2 (3.9 SD) 0.1 (0.4 SD)
Mean number of times someone else used your cotton, cooker/spoon, or rinse water in past 30 days 6.0 (17.8 SD) 3.1 (8.8 SD) 8.5 (22.7 SD) 1.2 (2.8 SD) 1.5 (3.1 SD) 1.0 (2.7 SD)
Mean number of times injected drugs mixed with water from someone else's syringe in the past 30 days (i.e. syringe-mediated drug sharing) 7.2 (18.3 SD) 1.7 (4.5 SD) 12.8 (24.5 SD)* 0.5 (1.6 SD) 0.9 (2.2 SD) 0.1 (0.5 SD)*
Mean days injected
heroin only
28.5 (5.8 SD) 28.1 (6.9 SD) 28.9 (4.8 SD) 14.7 (13.0 SD) 15.4 (13.8 SD) 14.0 (12.3 SD)
Any drugs injected
Cocaine only 41 (45.6%) 19 (44.2%) 22 (46.8%) 1 (1.1%) 1 (2.4%) 0
Heroin and cocaine 41 (44.1%) 19 (41.3%) 22 (46.8%) 3 (3.3%) 2 (4.8%) 1 (2.0%)
Any drugs smoked/snorted,
Marijuana 43 (58.9%) 19 (55.9%) 24 (61.5%) 10 (11.0%) 4 (9.5%) 6 (12.2%)
Ecstasy only 43 (53.1%) 19 (51.4%) 24 (54.6%) 8 (8.8%) 3 (7.1%) 5 (10.2%)
Crack/cocaine only 41 (46.1%) 19 (44.2%) 22 (47.8%) 4 (4.4%) 1 (2.4%) 3 (6.1%)
Heroin only 42 (51.9%) 19 (48.7%) 23 (54.8%) 0 0 0
Jeff 19 (24.1%) 8 (21.1%) 11 (26.8%) 2 (2.2%) 1 (2.4%) 1 (2.0%)

a Percentage of participants who responded Yes within the given intervention group, some variable have missing responses due to lack of relevance for individual participants.

b "*" Markings of significance indicate significant group differences between the Nutrition and the Woman-focused intervention groups within time (i.e., baseline or3-month follow-up). "+"Markings of significance indicate significant over time differences either overall, or within the Nutrition or the Woman-focused intervention group.

c Of those that had main sex partners and had intercourse with them.

*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001

+p < .05; ++p < .01; +++p < .001