Fig. 2. In utero electroporation of miR-137 in embryonic neural stem cells.
a. In utero electroporation of miR-137 decreased cell proliferation in the ventricular zone (VZ) and subventricular zone (SVZ) of embryonic brains. The electroporated cells were RFP+. Proliferating cells were labeled by Ki67. Scale bar, 50 µm. b. Electroporation of miR-137 led to precocious outward cell migration. The transfected cells were shown red due to the expression of RFP marker. DCX: double cortin; CP: cortical plate. Scale bar, 100 µm. c. Percent of Ki67-positive cells out of RFP-positive cells (Ki67+RFP+/RFP+) in miR-137-electroporated brains (2) and control RNA-electroporated brains (1). s.d. is indicated by error bars. * p<0.001 by Student′s t-test. n=3. d. Percent of control RNA (1) and miR-137 (2)-electroporated cells (RFP+ cells) that migrated to the CP at E15.5 was plotted. Error bars are s.d. of the mean. * p<0.05 by Student′s t-test. n=3. e. Enlarged images of immunostained cells in the CP of control-RFP or miR-137-RFP-electroporated brains harvested at E15.5. Scale bar, 10 µm.