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. 2011 Dec 22;13(1):184–192. doi: 10.1208/s12249-011-9742-7

Table III.

Summary of each Factor Effect and its p Values for the Measured Responses

Factor Y 1 Y 2
Factor effect p value Factor effect p value
X 1 1200.19 <0.0001 −0.072 <0.0001
X 2 9.38 <0.0001 52.07 <0.0001
X 3 26.61 <0.0001 32.01 <0.0001
X 1 X 2 −1318.06 <0.0001 62.83 0.0647
X 1 X 3 −1339.66 <0.0001 76.13 0.0345
X 2 X 3 19.14 0.0473 −1.59 0.3733
Refined regression equations of the fitted model in terms of L Pseudo Components a
Y 1 = 1200.19X 1 + 9.38X 2 + 26.61X 3−1318.06X 1 X 2−1339.66X 1 X 3 + 19.14X 2 X 3
Y 2 = −0.072X 1 + 52.07X 2 − 32.01X 3 + 76.13X 1 X 3

aOnly the terms with statistical significance are included