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. 2012 Jan 19;12:50. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-50

Table 1.

Events and time table

Intervention period Follow-up period
Procedure Source Person No. of items Duration (min.) T0 T3 T6 T12

 Written informed consent letter patient X

 Demographics1 patient file research assistant X


 Depression history2 patient file research assistant 2 X

 HRSD3 interview blind rater 17 20 X X X X

 IDS-SR4 questionnaire patient 30 10 X X X X

 Bearableness (VAS) questionnaire patient 1 X X X X

Metabolic syndrome

 Length physical test research assistant 1 X

 Weight physical test research assistant 1 X X X X

 Waist circumference physical test research assistant 1 X X X X

 Blood pressure physical test research assistant 1 X X X X

 Smoking/alchohol intake questionnaire patient 1 X X X X

 Laboratory assesment6 physical test laboratory 2 X X X X

Quality of Life

 WHO-DAS7 questionnaire patient 36 X X X X


 GCPS8 questionnaire patient 7 X X X X

 Bearableness (VAS) questionnaire patient 1 X X X X


 BAI9 questionnaire patient 21 X X X X

Cost effectiveness

 TIC-P10 quest./pnt file pnt/research assistant 26 X X X

 Euroqol questionnaire patient 5 X X X

 Subjective health (VAS) questionnaire patient 1 X X X


 Submaximal cycle test physical test research assistant 10 X X X X

 Grip strength physical test research assistant 2 X X X X

 Exercise intensity (HR)11 physical test exercise instructor during training sessions


 NEO PI-R12 questionnaire patient 60 X

Physical activity

 SQUASH13 questionnaire patient 12 X X X X

Additional Measures

 LEQ14 questionnaire patient 12 X X X X

 Compliance registration exercise instructor during training sessions

 POMS15 questionnaire patient 32 during training sessions

 Evaluation Intervention16 questionnaire patient X

1: Date of birth, sex, education, ethnicity, income, professional status, living situation, marital status

2: Number and duration of former episodes, duration current episode

3: Hamilton Rating Scale of Depression (or HAMD)

4: Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology - Self Report

6: fasting glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL- cholesterol, cholesterol/HDL-ratio, creatinine, MDRD

7: World Health Organisation- Disability Assessment Schedule

8: Graded Chronic Pain Scale

9: Beck Anxiety Inventory

10: Trimbos/iMTA questionnaire for Costs associated with Psychiatric Illness

11: Polar RS 800 CX Run

12: Revised NEO Personality Inventory

13: Short QUestionnaire to ASses Health enhancing physical activity

14: Life Events Questionnaire

15: Profile of Mood State

16: Only for patients who participated in the intervention