Figure 3. Prevalence of EBV-specific CD8+ T-cell IFNγ response by age group and residence.
Prevalence of positive EBV lytic (A) and latent (B) antigen CD8+ T-cell IFNγ response by age group and site of residence, Kenya 2002–2004. Age group was classified as a time-varying factor. For both graphs, the number of observations for children in each age group in Kisumu was: 33 (0–4 years), 87 (5–9 years) and 78 (≥10 years). The number of observations for children in each age group in Nandi was: 54 (0–4 years), 125 (5–9 years) and 70 (≥10 years). P values for differences between areas of residence by age group are indicated.