Figure 2.
Final expectancy-based model for explaining distress and emotional-well being prior to radiotherapy
Notes. The model was a good fit to the data, FIML Chi-Square (80 d.f.) = 94.45, p = 0.14; RMSEA = 0.040 (90% C.I. 0.0, 0.070), p = 0.68. Optimism = high scores on the first factor of the LOT-R; Pessimism = high scores on the second factor of the LOT-R; Expectancies = response expectancies for distress; Age = chronological age; Chemo = history of chemotherapy; Surgtype = mastectomy (1), lumpectomy (0); Stage = stage 0 or I (0), stage II or III (1); Latina = Latina ethnicity (1), not of Latina ethnicity (0); EWB = emotional well-being as measured by the FACT-G (i.e., low distress); Distress = total mood disturbance as assessed by the POMS-SV.