Figure 5. Accelerated failure time model-based estimates of DR effects on survivorship in 44 ILSXISS strains.
Effects of DR on survivorship across ILSXISS recombinant inbred mouse strains were evaluated based upon survivorship experiments performed at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) or University of Colorado at Boulder (UCB) (Liao et al., 2010a; Rikke et al., 2010). For each strain, the percent increase in survivorship due to DR was estimated by fitting an accelerated failure time model to survival data (Swindell, 2009). Calculations were performed using UTHSCSA data pooled from both sexes (A), UTHSCSA data from males only (B), UTHSCSA data from females only (C) or UCB female data (D). Filled symbols represent the estimated percent increase in survivorship due to DR and error bars span the 95% confidence interval associated with this estimate. Shaded regions denote significant effects of DR (P < 0.05), including significantly elevated survivorship due to DR (up-triangles) or significantly decreased survivorship due to DR (down-triangles). Strain labels in the left margin have an asterisk symbol (*) if the estimated effect of DR on lifespan remained significant following FDR adjustment of p-values for multiple testing among all ILSXISS strains.