Figure 7. Female ILSXISS lifespan estimates are correlated between independent studies under the AL condition but not the DR condition.
Female lifespan of the ILSXISS recombinant inbred mouse strains was measured at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) and independently measured at the University of Colorado (UCB) (Liao et al., 2010a; Rikke et al., 2010). Figures (A) and (B) show the association between median lifespan estimates from the two studies. In part (C), a comparison is made between ratios (DR / AL) of the median lifespan estimates derived from each study. Figures (D) and (E) show the association between maximum lifespan estimates from the two studies, where maximum lifespan is calculated by averaging the two longest survival times for each strain and each study. In part (F), a comparison is made between ratios (DR / AL) of the maximum lifespan estimates derived from each study. The Spearman rank correlation is shown in the lower-right of each figure, and an asterisk symbol is used to denote correlation estimates that are significant (P < 0.05).