Figure 7.
Switching off a tectoRNA attenuator with small RNA oligonucleotides. (A) Schematic of the self-assembly equilibrium reaction of tectoRNA attenuator 18 in presence of two small RNAs [SW(I) and SW(II)] that favor heterodimer formation by preventing internal PK formation. The two small RNAs switch off the PK attenuator module by assembling to the PK-forming loop in a way expected to perfectly mimic the NMR structures of the pseudouridylation pocket of the Box H/ACA snoRNA bound to its rRNA substrate [PDB codes: 2p89 (38) and 2pcv (39)]. (B) 2D structure diagrams of the PK-forming module of attenuator 18, bound to SW(I) and SW(II) small switching RNAs. Two possible equivalent binding modalities (boxed in grey) are shown. (C) Titration curves with calculated equilibrium constants of dissociation (Kd's) corresponding to the assembly of attenuator 18 with the GAAA probe in absence (black circles) or presence of switching RNAs [magenta circles for SW(I) and blue circles for SW(II)]. Experiments were carried out at 15 mM Mg(OAc)2 and 10°C as described in the ‘Materials and Methods’ section.