Figure 4. Fasting increases the effect of ghrelin on the response of gastric mucosal receptors.
A, the responses of gastric mucosal receptors to mucosal stroking with calibrated von Frey hairs (10–1000 mg) in the absence (•) and presence of ghrelin (1 (○), 3 (▪) and 10 nm (□)). These recordings were taken from fed mice (a) or fasted mice (b) prior to the experiment. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 compared with control (•; ghrelin effect, two-way ANOVA). B, the effect of ghrelin on the responses of mucosal receptors to stoking with a 50 mg von Frey hair in mice fed ad libitum (•) and mice fasted (○) for 14 h. Diet significantly enhanced the inhibitory action of ghrelin (**P < 0.01; diet effect, two-way ANOVA).