ErbB4−/− mice, but not PV-Cre;ErbB4 mice, exhibit deficits in fear conditioning. A–D, Freezing behavior, plotted as the fraction of time spent motionless, was recorded for 3 min following presentation of the CS to assess cued fear conditioning (A, C) and for 5 min following return to the training chamber to measure contextual fear conditioning (B, D). Generalized fear (no cue) was assessed for 2 min before presentation of the CS. ErbB4−/− mice exhibit reduced cued and contextual fear responses (A, B; N = 8 for both groups), whereas responses in PV-Cre;ErbB4 mice were not different from controls (Con) (C, D; N = 11 for controls and 8 for PV-Cre;ErbB4). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.