Figure 1.
VEGFR2 is enriched on the surface of human GSCs. (A) Graph of cell surface VEGFR2+ cell fractions among CD133+ versus CD133− GBM cells based upon FACS analysis of 17 freshly dissociated human glioma specimens (**, P = 0.0017). (B) Immunohistochemical detection of VEGFR2 in clinical GBM specimens (left and middle image) of both surface (arrowhead) and intracellular (arrow; cytosolic) VEGFR2; normal brain (NB; right) shows VEGFR2 in endothelial cells/vessels (*). Bar, 50 µm. (C) Graph of surface and cytosolic VEGFR2 in 4 GBM (two independent experiments). (D) Representative plots of FACS-analyzed surface (mem) versus cytosolic (cyto) VEGFR2 in CD133+ and CD133− GBM cells (specimens T4121 and T3691).