Figure 4.
VEGFR2 expression accounts for enhanced self-renewal, VEGF secretion, and viability of GSCs. Matched numbers of VEGFR2L and VEGFR2H cells from xenografted GBM specimens (T556 and T4121) were assayed for tumorsphere formation (A) and (T556 and T1966) viability (B). (A) Data are means ± SD of two independent experiments (n = 3; P < 0.001). (B) Viability of GSCs. Data are means ± SD of two independent experiments (n = 3; P < 0.001). (C) VEGF secretion by VEGFR2H versus VEGFR2L cells (GBM T556, 24 h) detected by ELISA (**, P < 0.01). (D) ELISA-detected VEGF secreted by VEGFR2H GBM cells after neutralization by bevacizumab (0.5 mg/ml, 24 h), and inhibition of VEGFR2 kinase (SU1498, 5 µM), compared with nontreated controls (Con). Mean ± SD from two experiments in duplicate (***, P < 0.001).