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. 2012 Feb 22;95(4):818–824. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.111.027383


Comparison of regional brain activation in response to food > nonfood stimuli after a period of restricted sleep1

Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates
Anatomic region Brodmann area Clusters (voxels) z Score xa yb zc
Cuneus 18 10 2.52 −26 −72 12
Inferior frontal gyrus 47 82 2.86 −34 20 −2
 Superior temporal gyrus 47 2.58 −48 14 −4
Inferior parietal lobule2 39/40 2004 3.75 40 −68 42
 Precuneus2 39 3.59 30 −62 42
Inferior parietal lobule 40 12 2.51 −58 −52 40
Inferior temporal gyrus 20/21 23 2.56 −48 0 −38
Insula2 13 158 3.06 −42 −10 10
Lateral ventricle 58 2.80 24 −34 −2
Lentiform nucleus/putamen 39 2.71 −20 4 4
Lingual gyrus2 18 5943 4.44 16 −82 −12
 Middle occipital gyrus2 18 3.92 14 −96 10
Middle frontal gyrus2 8/10 10,389 4.48 −50 10 46
 Cingulate gyrus2 23 4.40 4 −36 28
 Middle frontal gyrus2 10 4.06 −34 54 4
Middle temporal gyrus2 21 143 3.09 64 −34 −12
Paracentral lobule 6 17 2.50 6 −36 62
Parahippocampal gyrus 31 2.79 32 −10 −14
Postcentral gyrus 40 45 2.83 −64 −20 14
Precentral gyrus2 44/45 96 3.00 −58 12 10
 Inferior frontal gyrus 44 2.47 −60 6 20
Precuneus 7 74 2.69 6 −64 38
Pyramis2 266 3.80 8 −68 −32
 Nodule 2.88 −4 −62 −32
 Culmen 2.88 2 −48 −26
Superior frontal gyrus2 9/10 231 3.39 −22 46 42
 Medial frontal gyrus 9 2.58 −8 42 28
Superior occipital gyrus 19 12 2.46 −30 −76 24
Thalamus/pulvinar 10 2.47 −16 −32 10

Additional clusters and peak coordinates for some brain regions can be found elsewhere (see Supplemental Table 1 under “Supplemental data” in the online issue). Data are peak coordinates of brain regions represented by the largest cluster of activation, as assessed by using SPM5 (cluster-level P < 0.01, cluster ≥ 10). n = 26. aPositive x coordinate indicates right hemisphere. bPositive y coordinate indicates anterior-to-commissure landmark. cPositive z coordinate indicates above anterior-posterior commissure line.


Regions with voxel-level P ≤ 0.001.