Mean (±SEM) ratings during the sensory evaluation of the formulas used during infant testing. A trained panel of 10 adults rated the sweetness, savoriness, saltiness, sourness, and bitterness of CMF (white bars), CMF+glu (gray bars), and ePHF (black bars) using the gLMS, a psychophysical tool that allows subjects to rate the perceived intensity of sensations that are arranged semilogarithmically and range from “no sensation” to “strongest imaginable” (eg, 0 = no sensation, 1 = barely detectable, 6 = weak, and 16 = moderate). Bars with different lowercase letters are significantly different, P < 0.05 (ANOVA with Fisher's least-significant-difference post hoc comparisons). CMF, cow milk formula; CMF+glu, cow milk formula with added free glutamate; ePHF, extensive protein hydrolysate formula; gLMS, general labeled magnitude scale.