Figure 8. MCT1 inhibition blocks tumor angiogenesis.
(A) Two Matrigel plugs were implanted subcutaneously in the same mouse, one containing 10 mM lactate (left flank) and the other one an equal volume of saline (right flank). Plugs were microdissected 7 days after implantation. Pictures show CD31 immunostainings (bar = 100 µm; inset: a vascular structure carrying red blood cells), which were quantified in the graph. ***p = 0.0007; n = 4. Error bars reflect mean ± SEM. (B and C) On Day 0, mice were randomly assigned to treatment groups consisting of daily i.p. injections of CHC (1 mmol/Kg) or vehicle. (B) Mice carrying LLc tumors (4±1 mm) were treated. Pictures show CD31 immunostainings of size-matched tumors (bar = 20 µm), which were quantified in the graph. **p = 0.0051; n = 4. Error bars reflect mean ± SEM. (C) Intravital microscopy pictures were captured over time in treated mice carrying tumors generated with MCT1-negative TLT tumor cells. Bar = 1 mm.