Figure 2.
35 year old female with a history of pontine cavernous malformation, now with headaches and 6th nerve palsy. Selected corresponding MR images (GE Excite 1.5T) including (A) axial noncontrast T1 (Spin Echo, TR 650, TE 13, NEX 1, flip angle 90), (B) T2 fast spin echo sequence (TR 3500, TE 129, NEX 1, Flip angle 90, echo train length 28) and (C) saggital noncontrast T1 (Spin Echo, TR 483, TE 13, NEX 1, flip angle 90, slice thickness 5mm) show focal hemorrhage into the left posterior pons. Blood products of varying ages are demonstrated by bight signal on T1 and T2 corresponding to subacute blood with foci of T1 and T2 low signal representing more acute hemorrhage.