Figure 5:
A 14 year old girl with fetus in fetu. The axial true FISP (5A&5B) and axial HASTE (5C) 1.5 T MR images of the abdomen confirm the CT findings and showing a large encapsulated intraabdominal retroperitoneal mass with mixed high, intermediate and low intensities. The predominant component of the mass is liquid and the soft tissue component is suspended in the fluid by a cord-like pedicle (curved white arrow). A well formed femur like long bone is seen within the mass (thick white arrow).The coronal (5D) HASTE image shows a fetiform solid component containing areas of skeletal elements resembling a vertebral axis (thin white arrow). (Protocol: 1.5 T magnet strength, Avanto MR Siemens, Germany, FISP sequence - 4.56 TR, 1.88 TE, 6.0 mm slice thickness and HASTE sequence - 1100 TR, 117 TE, 6.0 mm slice thickness).