Table 4.
Number, location and year of detection of the homoeo-QTL for fruit quality traits
Traitsa | No. of homoeo-QTL (%)b | Location and year of detected homoeo-QTLc, d |
Development | ||
FD | 2 (50) | IIIa-m (1-2) and IIIc-m (3) |
FL | 4 (57) | IIa-f (3) and IIc-m (1-2-3) |
IIIa-m (1) and IIId-m (1) | ||
FD/FL | 4 (80) | IIIa-m (1-2-3)/f (1-2) and IIId-m (1-2) |
Va-m (1-2) and Vb-m (2) | ||
Firmness | ||
FIRM | 4 (57) | IIIa-f (2) and IIIc-f (2) |
IIIa-m (1) and IIIb-m (2) | ||
Sugar-related traits | ||
GLU | 2 (40) | IIIa-f (2) and IIIc-f (1) |
Acid-related traits | ||
pH | 2 (33) | IIIb-m (2) and IIIc-f (2) |
MAL | 2 (50) | VIa-m (1) and VIb-m (1) |
aTraits are the following: development: FD, fruit diameter; FL, fruit length; FD/FL ratio. Texture: FIRM, fruit firmness. Sugar-related traits: GLU, glucose. Acid-related traits: pH; MAL, malate
bThe number of unique QTL involved in homoeo-QTL are indicated. The percentage of homoeo-QTL in relation to the total number of QTL detected for each trait is indicated in bracket
cThe Roman number indicates the homoeologous group number according to Rousseau-Gueutin et al. (2008) and the letter, a, b c, or d, indicates one of the four homoeologous linkage groups
dThe year of detection of the QTL is indicated in bracket after its location on the linkage group of the homoeology group