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. 2012 Feb 9;12(2):1738–1757. doi: 10.3390/s120201738

Algorithm 1.


INPUT: LBPCode1 of Img1, LBPCode2 of Img2, (moving) step, (moving) times.
OUTPUT: BBM of two samples Img1 and Img2.
Direct matching, compute the similarity using LBPCode1and LBPCode2, denoted as S0.
//taking Img1as base, align through moving Img2 toward up direction.
    for n=1 to times do
    move Img2 up n*step pixels.
      extract the subsets of LBPCode1 and LBPCode2 according overlapped region.
      Compute the similarity using these two subsets, denoted as Sup(n).
//taking Img1as base, align through moving Img2 toward down direction.
    for n=1 to times do
    move Img2 down n*step pixels.
      extract the subsets of LBPCode1 and LBPCode2 according overlapped region.
      Compute the similarity using these two subsets, denoted as Sdown(n).
//taking Img1as base, align through moving Img2 toward left direction.
    for n=1 to times do
    move Img2 left n*step pixels.
      extract the subsets of LBPCode1 and LBPCode2 according overlapped region.
      Compute the similarity using these two subsets, denoted as Sleft(n).
//taking Img1as base, align through moving Img2 toward right direction.
    for n=1 to times do
    move Img2 right n*step pixels.
      extract the subsets of LBPCode1 and LBPCode2 according overlapped region.
      Compute the similarity using these two subsets, denoted as Sright(n).
S=Max(S0,Sup(1)…Sup(times),     Sdown(1)…Sdown(times),     Sleft(1)…Sleft(times), Sright(1)…Sright(times))
Get the subsets of LBPCode1and LBPCode2 corresponding to S.
Take the subsets as the new LBPCodes.
generate the BBM of new LBPCodes using definition 1 and 2.