Medial OFC emotion-congruent activity related to processing emotional primes and judging equivocally positive and negative stimuli. (A) Left column: a cluster of left medial OFC (peak = 16, 36, −18) shows increased activity to negative primes that lead to emotion-congruent judgments (prime screen: negative prime angry judgment > negative prime happy judgment, P < 0.05, FWE). Right column: parameter estimates for activity in this region related to negative and neutral primes, split by whether the subsequent judgment was angry or happy. (B) Left column: A cluster of bilateral medial OFC (peak = 2, 44, −18) shows increased activity during emotion-congruent judgments (judgment screen: negative prime angry judgment > neutral prime angry judgment, P < 0.05, FWE). Right column: parameter estimates for activity in this region related to judgments following negative and neutral primes, split by whether the judgment was angry or happy. Error bars represent standard error.