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. 2012 Jan 31;52(2):153–165. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnr141

Table 3.

Widowed, Divorced, and Never-Married Boomers’ Characteristics by Gender in 2009 (Weighted, Age Standardized Estimates)

Widowed Divorced Never-Married Widowed Divorced Never-Married
Demographic characteristics
    Race and ethnicity (%)
        White 63.10 67.86 55.52 66.80 # 72.61 66.75 #
        Black 17.67 16.21 27.31 15.56 # 13.30 17.57 #
        Hispanic 11.77 &# 11.00 & 12.05 # 11.98 # 10.02 11.07 #
        Others 7.46 4.93 ^ 5.11 ^ 5.66 # 4.07 4.61 #
    Foreign born (%) 16.35 12.26 ^ 12.66 ^ 12.72 9.93 10.61
    Educational attainment (%)
        Less than high school 19.24 12.30 15.19 20.38 14.38 17.78
        High school graduate 32.14 28.68 25.73 34.15 & 34.33 & 30.81
        Some college 31.65 35.82 27.83 26.99 # 30.86 26.08 #
        Bachelor’s degree or more 16.97 23.20 31.25 18.47 & 20.44 & 25.34
Economic resources (in the past 12 months)
    Worked (%) 64.89 76.06 70.63 71.45 75.87 68.34
    Mean household income $49,473 $53,949 $57,733 $61,577 &# $61,983 & $58,280 #
    Lived in poverty (%) 21.13 # 19.63 20.39 # 16.97 & 15.71 & 20.24
    Received food stamps, public assistance, or SSI (%) 21.81 # 20.36 21.42 # 18.48 # 15.91 19.29 #
    Disability (%) 24.54 20.76 22.48 23.56 # 20.80 22.53 #
    Had health insurance (%) 77.78 79.67 81.65 76.52 & 74.91 &^ 74.15 ^
Household composition and living arrangements
    Household size 2.41 2.23 ^ 2.21 ^ 2.35 2.05 ^ 2.07 ^
    Multigenerational household (%) = 13.71 10.19 7.78 8.86 4.64 3.59
    Living arrangements (%)a
        Alone 44.27 47.91 58.48 47.95 62.80 72.99
        Unmarried partner 5.54 7.37 7.99 7.76 12.20 10.17
        Unmarried partner only 57.93 64.49 ^  67.54  ^ 52.73 & 59.26 & 68.89
        Unmarried partner + child 35.88 28.76 23.72 39.63 28.34 21.68
        Unmarried partner + others 6.18 &# 6.75 &^  8.73 # ^ 7.63 &# 12.40 & 9.42 #
        Child (without partner) 42.17 37.08 19.86 37.03 17.71 3.43
        Others 8.02 & 7.65 & 13.67 7.26 & 7.29 & 13.41
Unweighted N 21,169 85,692 35,937 5,529 62,576 40,283
Weighted % 14.09 59.50 26.41 4.84 56.89 38.27

Notes: Individuals living in group quarters are excluded from the tabulation. All estimates are adjusted by age. All group comparisons are statistically significant at p < .01 level except for the comparisons that are indicated by & (between widowed and divorced persons), by # (between widowed and never-married persons), or by  ^ (between divorced and never-married persons). SSI = supplemental security income.


The information is limited to householders only.