Figure 8. Optimization of vector strength PE can occur at intermediate values of gKHT.
A. Top panels show simulations for a 900 Hz stimulus applied to an ensemble with a gradient of KHT current (same parameters as Fig. 4, bottom panel) with or without random spontaneous activity at a mean frequency of 100 Hz. Descriptions of panels are as for Fig. 4. The bottom three sets of panels show the effect of adjusting the value of gKHT in all neurons to a low value (0.2 µS), to an intermediate value (0.4 µS) or to high values (0.6 µS) in the presence or absence of spontaneous activity. B. Plot of PE against gKHT for individual neurons stimulated at 900 Hz in the presence of random spontaneous activity. Dots indicate the values of gKHT that were used in the lower three panels of A. C. Plots of the mean value of PE (± SEM) in the presence of spontaneous activity as a function of the number of converging inputs (N) for each of the ensembles shown in A.