Figure 3.
Contributions of embryonic FUS3 to leaf identity and phase transitions. (A) Rosette leaf morphology of wild-type (top row), fus3 (middle row) and fus3 plants transformed with the FUS3:FUS3-GR construct (bottom row). fus3 FUS3:FUS3-GR parent plants were sprayed with 30 μM dexamethasone (DEX) during seed production. Leaves from ten plants were dissected, and representative profiles are shown (scale bar = 1 cm). (B) Ratios of blade-to-petiole lengths of individual rosette leaves in wild-type and fus3 and embryonically rescued fus3 FUS3:FUS3-GR plants. (C) Percentage of wild-type, fus3 and embryonically rescued fus3 FUS3:FUS3-GR (seed + DEX) rosettes that developed an abaxial trichome at each leaf position.