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. 2011 Jun 9;35(2):211–220. doi: 10.1007/s10865-011-9356-2

Table 1.

Characteristics of participants in the Health and Retirement Study

Hispanic Black Whites/others
n/mean %/(std) n/mean %/(std) n/mean %/(std)
n 1,313 100 2,557 100 14,778 100
Mean years of follow-up 8.2 (3.1) 7.9 (3.2) 8.2 (3.2)
Total person-years of follow-up 10,767 20,305 121,365
Incident strokes 121 9.2 334 13.1 1,543 10.4
Crude stroke rate/1,000 person-years 11.2 16.4 12.7
Elevated depressive symptoms, all eligible 433.0 33.0 692.0 27.1 2,601.0 17.6
Elevated depressive symptoms, incident stroke cases 50.0 41.3 111.0 33.2 369.0 23.9
Core demographic variables
 Mean age at enrollment (std) 63.7 (8.9) 64.9 (9.6) 66.1 (9.7)
 Male 512 39 910 36 6,213 42
 Southern birthstate 392 30 1,657 65 4,498 30
 Mother’s education
  <8 Years 904 69 1,155 45 5,920 40
  8+ Years 243 19 953 37 7,597 51
  Unknown 166 13 449 18 1,261 9
 Father’s education
  <8 Years 840 64 1,193 47 6,381 43
  8+ Years 255 19 712 28 6,770 46
  Unkown 218 17 652 25 1,627 11
Adult social conditions
 Mean years of education (std) 8.3 (4.6) 10.7 (3.6) 12.5 (2.8)
 Median household wealth (interquartile range)a 19,395 (54,480) 20,658 (54,839) 95,837 (171,735)
 Median household income (interquartile range)a 8,470 (12,434) 11,275 (16,410) 21,438 (25,992)
 Marital status
  Married 904 69 1,289 50 10,609 72
  Divorced or separated 171 13 504 20 1,188 8
  Never married 40 3 138 5 399 3
  Widowed 197 15 615 24 2,563 17
Cardiovascular risk factors
 Current smoker 212 16 539 21 2,482 17
 Past smoker 470 36 934 37 6,186 42
 Overweight 573 44 1,048 41 5,714 39
 Obese 339 26 823 32 2,641 18
 Alcohol use
  Never 803 61 1,614 63 6,596 45
  Some 490 37 899 35 7,748 52
  Heavy 20 2 44 2 434 3
 Hypertension 512 39 1,457 57 5,526 37
 Diabetes 231 18 498 19 1,407 10
 Heart disease 135 10 403 16 2,712 18

Sample members were stroke-free aged 50 + at baseline in 1996 (born 1899–1947)

aIncome and wealth were standardized by dividing by the square root of household size