Figure 6. A PI3K inhibitor LY-294002 blocked the neuroprotection of CAR on cerebral I/R injury.
Mice were treated with CAR (50 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline 2 h before ischemia and 5 µl LY-294002 (10 mM) was administered (i.c.v.) at 15 min before ischemia. (A) After 30 min of ischemia and 6 h reperfusion, brain tissues were collected and p-Akt and t-Akt levels were determined by Western blot. The photographs show that LY-294002 treatment inhibited the activation of Akt by CAR. (B) After 75 min of ischemia and 24 h of reperfusion, cerebral infarct volume was determined by TTC staining. The representative TTC-stained coronal sections demonstrate that LY-294002 treatment abolished the protection of CAR on infarct volume. (C) Statistical analysis of cerebral infarct volume shows that PI3K inhibitor LY-294002 blocked the protective effects of CAR. I/R+CAR+LY: CAR and LY-294002-treated I/R group. Bars represent mean ± SEM of 6–9 brains. *, P<0.05 versus vehicle-treated I/R group.