A) Schematic linear protein structures of SET-9 and SET-26. Deleted regions of the three set-26 mutant alleles were depicted as thin lines within thick black lines that indicate remaining coding regions. Premature stop codons caused by the deletions were depicted as “O”. Three RNAi constructs (a, b, and c) are shown aligned to their targeted sequences. The polypeptide used for antibody production is also shown. B) Western Blot of equal amount of whole worm lysate from wild type and the set-26(tm2467) mutant worms using SET-9/26 antibody. Actin is used as a loading control. C) SET-9 and SET-26 are nuclear proteins. The wild-type worms (labeled with an irrelevant GFP transgene sur-5::gfp, Green) and the set-26(tm2467) mutant worms (no GFP) were co-stained with a purified SET-26 antibody (Red) and Hoechst (Blue, DNA). Zoom-in frames of the heads and tails were shown at the bottom. D) Total RNA of young adult worms raised at 25°C were subject to reverse transcription and qPCR using primer sets and thermocycles that can distinguish set-9 and set-26 transcripts. The RNA levels of act-1 gene were used for normalization. Error bars show the difference between 2 independent experiments, and the pairwise two-tailed t-test were used to calculate the p-values.