FIG. 1.
Quantile–quantile plots (A–C) and Manhattan plots (D–F) of the p-values of alleles from an association analysis of the constitution types. For quantile–quantile plots, -log10 (observed p-values) were compared with the -log10(expected p-values) under the null distribution for each constitution type ([A] for Taeum (TE) constitution type, [B] for Soeum [SE] constitution type, and [C] for Soyang [SY] constitution type). For Manhattan plots, -log10(p-values) of alleles for each constitution type ([D] for TE constitution type, [E] for SE constitution type, and [F] for SY constitution type) were plotted against chromosomal position. In parts D–F, the upper dotted line indicates p-values of 10−6 and the lower dotted line indicates p-values of 10−5.