Figure 4. Differential polyadenylation of Pax3 mRNA 3′UTR in limb and diaphragm QSCs and in embryonic limb progenitors.
(A) Graphical representation indicating the positions of the putative alternative polyadenylation sites (PAS1, PAS2, PAS3, PAS4) and putative miR-206 targeted sites (2061, 2062) in the Pax3 3′UTR.(B) DNA sequencing of 3′UTRs of three different isoforms of Pax3 detected by 3′RACE. PAS consensus sequence (PAS) and polyadenylation tail region (A(n)) are indicated. (C) Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of Pax3 transcripts bearing short and long 3′UTRs in limb (L) and in diaphragm (D) QSCs. (D) Ratios of long and short Pax3 mRNA isoforms in limb buds at E10.5 and E11.5. In (C) and (D), the proportions of the short form in L and D were compared. (E) Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of Pax3 mRNA levels in E10.5 myogenic progenitors treated with control or miR-206. Pax3 siRNA was used as a positive control (**p<0.001; N.S. - not significant; n=3). See also Figure S4.