Table 1.
Cancer risk in HIV-infected persons compared to general population, estimated cancer incidence rates, proposed cancer screening modalities, and benefits and harms of respective screening tests
Cancer | cART era RR in HIV+ |
Estimated IR in HIV+ (per 100,000 p-y)a |
Screening modalities |
Benefit of screening test |
Harms of screening test |
Cervical | 3.0–13 [18••, 20••] | 24–293 [18••, 20••] | Pap testing | Sensitive, and detects treatable pre-cursor lesions and early cancers; mortality benefit inferred from ecological studies | Minimally invasive, low specificity, leading to false-positive tests |
HPV testing | Noninvasive but benefits unclear in HIV-infected patients | Low specificity, likely leading to false-positive tests | |||
Anal | 15–47 [18••, 37•] | 111–130 [18••, 20••] | Anal Pap testing | Sensitive for premalignant lesions, impact on mortality unknown | Minimally invasive, low specificity, leading to false-positive tests |
HRA | Sensitive and specific for premalignant and malignant lesions, impact on mortality unknown. | Moderately invasive, not widely available | |||
DRE | Inexpensive, minimally invasive but diagnostic utility not studied | Sensitivity and specificity unknown, harms unquantified | |||
Breast | 0.64–0.90b [20••, 37•] | 18 [20••] | Mammography | Mortality benefit from RCTs | False positives lead to unnecessary biopsies, psychological distress |
Colorectal | 1.2b [20••, 37•] | 41 [20••] | FOBT | Mortality benefit from RCTs | False positives lead to moderately invasive testing |
Sigmoidoscopy | Mortality benefit in recent RCT | Moderately invasive, procedural complications | |||
Colonoscopy | Mortality benefit from observational data only, but highly likely | Moderately invasive, procedural complications | |||
Liver | 2.8–7.5 [18••, 37•] | 26–98 [18••, 20••] | Ultrasonography | Mortality benefit shown in HBV mono-infection, inferred benefit in hepatitis co-infection with HIV | False-positive tests may lead to invasive biopsy, treatment options limited in non-transplant candidates |
AFP testing | Limited benefits | Limited sensitivity and specificity leading to false positives and false negatives | |||
Prostate | 0.56–1.0b [18••, 37•] | 97–260 [18••, 20••] | PSA testing | Noninvasive with small or no mortality benefits seen in recent RCTs | Low specificity leading to excessive invasive testing and excess treatment |
Lung | 2.0–3.5 [18••, 37•] | 64–288 [18••, 20••] | Low-dose chest CT | Early RCT data suggesting mortality benefit | Confirmatory testing is invasive, false positives may experience significant harms |
Unadjusted incidence rates
Not statistically significant
AFP alpha-fetoprotein; cART combination antiretroviral therapy; DRE digital rectal examination; FOBT fecal occult blood testing; HBV hepatitis B virus; HPV human papilloma virus; HRA high-resolution anoscopy; IR incidence rate; PSA prostate-specific antigen; p-y person-year; RCT randomized control trial; RR relative risk