A, sequence alignment of YjiE from 10 representative species from α-, β-, and γ-proteobacteria and eukaryotes using ClustalW. Conserved amino acids are highlighted in blue, and the degree of conservation is proportional to the darkness of the color. B–D, growth of C600 (WT, circles) and KMG214 cells (yjiE−, squares) at different stresses. Cells were grown at 37 °C, supplemented with the indicated stressor, and either viability or recovery analyzed. Viability at 4 mm HOCl (B), 4 mm H2O2 (C), and 5 mm diamide (D), respectively. Shown is the mean ± error from two to six independent experiments. Inset, recovery of cells at 0 mm (open symbols), 2.8 mm (light gray symbols), and 3 mm HOCl (dark gray symbols). Shown is the result of one representative experiment.