Fig. 6.
Quantitative analysis of sHA-CaV1.2 and sHA-CaV1.3a surface clusters. (A) Cumulative distribution of surface area measurements (pixels2) of sHA-CaV1.2 (black), sHA-CaV1.3a (red) and synapsin (green) clusters. (B) Cumulative distribution of brightness measurements (in a.u. of fluorescence) of sHA-CaV1.2 (black) and sHA-CaV1.3a (red) clusters. (C) The density (in puncta / 150 μm of dendritic length) of sHA-CaV1.2 and sHA-CaV1.3a surface clusters. Means ± SEM from 29 dendrites of transfected sHA-CaV1.2 and 39 dendrites of transfected sHA-CaV1.3a (***P < 0.05). The data in (A–C) were obtained from analysis of images collected as shown in Figs 2 and 3. (D) Cumulative distribution of surface area measurements (pixels2) of sHA-CaV1.2 (black) and sHA-CaV1.3a (red) clusters obtained in GFP-Shank1B co-expression experiments. (E) Cumulative distribution of brightness measurements (in a.u. of fluorescence) of sHA-CaV1.2 (black) and sHA-CaV1.3a (red) clusters obtained in GFP-Shank1B co-expression experiments. (F) The density (in puncta / 150 μm of dendritic length) of sHA-CaV1.2 and sHA-CaV1.3a surface clusters obtained in GFP-Shank1B co-expression experiments. Means ± SEM from 19 dendrites of transfected sHA-CaV1.2 and 18 dendrites of transfected sHA-CaV1.3a. The data in (D–F) were obtained from analysis of images collected as shown in Fig. 5.