(A) Plot showing the dependence of the order parameter on the rate of detachment (r0) for 40 filaments and 20 motors. As expected, an increase in detachment resulted in a decrease in order. r0=0.7/s, r2=0.05/s. (B) Plot examining the relationship between the relative densities of motors to filaments. When the ratio of filaments to motors was the same, the same amount of order is expected; however, the optimal motor velocity required to achieve maximum alignment was independent of filament and motor density. r0=0.7/s, r1=0.1/s, r2=0.05/s. (C) Plot showing the sensitivity of the order parameter of the system to the rate of depolymerization (r2). Blue shows a larger discretization than green, with red being the most fine discretization of sampling order.