Figure 4. HSCs from PCa tumor bearing animals induce same extent of osteoclast differentiation from existing preosteoclasts.
(A) Experimental conditions. SLAM HSCs were isolated from tumor bearing animals and co-cultured with preosteoclastic RAW 246.7 cells. After the culture conditions, the cultures were stained with TRAP and evaluated for multinucleation. (B) Number of osteoclasts/culture. The data indicate that culturing HSCs derived from PCa implanted animals with preosteoclastic cells increased the multinucleated TRAP positive cells (>3nuclei) from RAW 264.7 cells compared to surgical control (p<0.01). Data represent mean ± SD performed in triplicate in 2 independent experiments. No significant differences in osteoclast formation from HSCs derived from osteoblastic vs. osteolytic tumors were obtained.