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. 2011 Aug 6;67B(2):167–177. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbr078

Table 4.

Growth Model for Depressive Symptoms Over Time-To/From-Disability: The Effect of Covariates

Depressive symptoms
Parameter Estimate SE
Fixed effects
    Intercepta, γ00 51.81* (0.35)
    Time-to/from disability (TtfD)b, γ10 −0.22 (0.18)
    Predisability, γ20 −1.03 (0.79)
    Predisability × TtfDb, γ30 0.49 (0.37)
    Aged 70–79, γ01 3.61 (2.59)
    Aged 90+, γ02 1.09 (1.00)
    GENDER study γ03 −1.98 (2.89)
    OCTO-TWIN study γ04 −8.81* (0.88)
    NONA study γ05 −4.67* (1.19)
    Women γ06 1.56* (0.73)
    Education, γ07 0.06 (0.16)
    Widowhood, γ08 0.51 (0.72)
    Institutionalization, γ09 1.04 (0.70)
    Memory, γ010 0.04 (0.04)
    Multimorbidity, γ011 0.77* (0.27)
    Social support, γ012 −0.40* (0.03)
    TtfD × Aged 70–79, γ11 −0.57 (1.00)
    TtfD × Aged 90+, γ12 −0.04 (0.53)
    TtfD × GENDER study γ13 −0.08 (1.17)
    TtfD × OCTO-Twin study γ14 −0.78 (0.42)
    TtfD × NONA study γ15 −0.75 (0.72)
    TtfD × Women γ16 −0.07 (0.35)
    TtfD × Education, γ17 0.05 (0.07)
    TtfD × Widowhood, γ18 −0.42 (0.32)
    TtfD × Institutionalization, γ19 0.15 (0.24)
    TtfD × Memory, γ110 0.01 (0.01)
    TtfD × Multimorbidity, γ111 0.07 (0.10)
    TtfD × Social Support, γ112 −0.06* (0.01)
    Predisability × TtfD × Aged 70–79, γ31 2.53 (1.47)
    Predisability × TtfD × Aged 90+, γ32 0.76 (0.97)
    Predisability × TtfD × GENDER study γ33 −1.76 (1.70)
    Predisability × TtfD × OCTO-Twin study γ34 −0.31 (0.72)
    Predisability × TtfD × NONA study γ35 0.45 (1.12)
    Predisability × TtfD × Women γ36 0.33 (0.48)
    Predisability × TtfD × Education, γ37 −0.10 (0.10)
    Predisability × TtfD × Widowhood, γ38 0.03 (0.45)
    Predisability × TtfD × Institutionalization, γ39 0.09 (0.34)
    Predisability × TtfD × Memory, γ310 0.02 (0.02)
    Predisability × TtfD × Multimorbidity, γ311 −0.06 (0.13)
    Predisability × TtfD × Social Support, γ312 0.02 (0.02)
Random effects
    (Residual) variance intercept, σu02 43.48* (5.54)
    (Residual) variance TtfD, σu12 1.32* (0.52)
    (Residual) variance predisability × TtfD, σu32 3.14** (2.01)
    Covariance, σu0u1 −1.97 (1.39)
    Covariance, σu0u3 4.49* (2.17)
    Covariance, σu1u3 −1.97 (1.08)
    Residual, σe12 38.15* (3.92)
    Residual, σe12 49.66* (4.18)
    Residual, σe32 44.83* (5.15)
    Residual, σe42 44.88* (7.50)
    Residual, σe52 86.11* (18.49)
    −2LL 13,067
    AIC 13,169

Notes: Participants in the OCTO study served as the reference category. Unstandardized estimates and standard errors are presented. N = 779 who provided 1,848 observations. Scores for depressive symptoms standardized to a T metric (M = 50, SD = 10) using the pooled sample of all oldest old participants at baseline assessment T1 as the reference (N = 1,440). AIC = Akaike Information Criterion; −2LL = −2 log likelihood, relative model fit statistics. The change in Pseudo R2 was obtained from comparing the residual within-person variance from the conditional model, including the time-to/from-disability as the time variable with that obtained from an unconditional or intercept-only model (see Snijders & Bosker, 1999, pp. 99–105).


Intercept is centered at disability onset.


Slope or rate of change is scaled in T-units per year.

*p < .05; **p = .06.