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. 2011 Nov 29;16(4):821–827. doi: 10.1007/s11605-011-1782-5

Table 2.

Correlation between anastomotic leakage and clinicopathological factors in patients who underwent simultaneous resection for SCLM

Leakage (−) (n = 63) Leakage (+) (n = 18) Univariate analysis p value Multivariate analysis p value, RR (95%CI)
Patient characteristics
 Median age (range) (years) 59 (40–85) 59 (41–73) 0.81
 Male/female 33/30 12/6 0.42
 BMI (mean ± SD) 21.9 ± 2.9 22.5 ± 2.2 0.44
 Preoperative comorbidity
 Absent 44 12 0.78
 Present 19 6
Primary colorectal tumor
 Site Colon 42 6 0.01 N.S.
Rectum 21 12
 Stenosis Absent 56 0 0.34
Present 7 18
 Tumor size, mm 52.0 58.0 0.25
 pT stage pT3 41 9 0.25
pT4 22 9
 pN stage pN0 17 2 0.22
pN+ 46 16
 Histology Well, mod 60 15 0.12
Poor 3 3
Liver metastasis
 Distribution Unilobar 38 9 0.43
Bilobar 25 9
 Number of tumors (range) 2.3 (1–8) 2.6 (1–8) 0.57
 Tumor size, mm 47 33 0.06
Operative factors
 Lateral lymph node dissection
 Absent 55 10 <0.01 N.S.
 Present 8 8
 Diverting stoma
 Absent 48 11 0.24
 Present 15 7
 Liver resection
 Partial Hx, segmentectomy 51 16 0.72
 ≥Lobectomy 12 2
 Timing of anastomosis
 Colectomy → anastomosis → Hx 20 4 0.20
 Colectomy → Hx → anastomosis 7 5
 Hx → colectomy → anastomosis 36 9
 Pringle maneuver
 Absent 10 1 0.44
 Present 53 17
 Operation time
 <8 h 53 8 <0.01 <0.01, 6.63 (2.09–20.9)
 ≥8 h 10 10
 Blood loss, g (range) 1,345 (162–6,000) 2,487 (430–6,560) 0.02 N.S.
 Absent 39 9 0.37
 Present 24 9
 Blood transfusion, ml 343 1,212 0.05

RR relative risk, CI confidence interval, Hx hepatectomy, N.S. non-significant (p > 0.05)