Brain activation map snapshots for the word recognition task from three representative participants: a typically developing reader (left-hand pair of columns), a student who later showed adequate response to intervention (middle pair of columns), and a student who did not show adequate response (right-hand pair of columns). When these recordings were made, this Adequate Responder student scored 79 points on the Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE). Sight Word reading efficiency subtest, and 88 points when tested again one year later. Corresponding scores for the Inadequate Responders (IR) student shown here were 84 and 81 points, respectively. The relative intensity of activated voxels is shown at the bottom of the figure. Each set of images presents activity in regions of interest (ROI) (demarcated by green tracings) where significant group differences were observed, at a different latency after stimulus onset (at 100–250, 400–500, and 300–500 msec, from top to bottom, respectively), in the left (LH) and right (RH) hemispheres. (color figure available online)