Table 2.
Summary of the parameters used in this study
Variable | Description | Value | Range |
N | Number of chromosomes | 3 | 3 |
Mk | Number of ktMTs per kinetochore | 4 | 4 |
tA | Anaphase transition time | 720 s | 600–900 s |
δt | Time step | 1 s | 0.1–3 |
L0 | Spindle initial length | 0.3 µm | 0.1–5 µm |
dc | Centromere pair rest length | 0.05 µm | 0.01–0.2 µm |
κc | Cohesion spring constant | 90 pN/µm | 10–200 pN/µm |
κk | Spring constant of the bond between attachment site and the centromere | 40 pN/µm | 10–200 pN/µm |
μk | Damping coefficient for the attachment site | 900 pN.s/µm | 100–2,000 pN.s/µm |
μc | Sister chromatid friction coefficient | 400 pN.s/µm | 100–2,000 pN.s/µm |
μs | SPB friction coefficient | 500 pN.s/µm | 100–2,000 pN.s/µm |
Fk | ktMT motor stall force | 10 pN | Fixed |
Vk | ktMT motor maximum velocity | 0.03 µm/s | 0.01–0.06 µm/s |
Fmz | Midzone motor stall force | 127 pN | 50–500 pN |
Vmz | Midzone motor maximum velocity | 0.03 µm/s | 0.01–0.06 µm/s |
ka | Attachment rate | 0.06/s | 0.01–0.1 /s |
dα | Aurora B–like activity coefficient | 0.2 µm | 0.01–1 µm |
β | Kinetochore orientation effect coefficient | 1 | 0–1 |