On gel filtration chromatography endogenous Bax elutes in bigger complexes than its monomeric state. Shown is anti-Bax Western blot analysis of a Superdex 200 HR 10/30 gel filtration chromatography of recombinant (rec.) Bax or His-Bax or endogenous Bax from the cytosols of FDM, MEF, and HEK cells from the liver tissue as well as from SW480 colon carcinoma cells overexpressing human Bax (A), CHAPS- or Triton X-100-extracted total lysates of FDM cells (B), cytosolic- and CHAPS-extracted mitochondrial fractions of healthy or IL-3-deprived (16 h) FDM cells (C), or recombinant Bax and cytosol from FDM cells treated with 8 m urea buffer (D). 250 μl of 800 ng of recombinant Bax or 1 mg of subcellular fractions were loaded onto the column, and 500-μl fractions were collected. Protein standard markers (29, 66, 150, and 440 kDa) were run in parallel.