The chain formation in STP mutants is attributed to CdhA controlled by SP-WalR. Shown is Western blotting of the extracellular fractions obtained from the wild-type M1SF370 and M1ΔSTP (A) and the wild-type M1T1 and M1T1ΔSTP (B) using anti-CdhA (SPy0019) antibody. The arrows indicate detection of an immunoreactive band at ∼45 kDa corresponding to CdhA. C, in vitro phosphorylation of SP-WalR by SP-STKK and dephosphorylation by SP-STP are shown in the autoradiogram. The arrows and arrowheads point toward the phosphorylated SP-STKK and SP-WalR, respectively. The parallel Coomassie-stained gel depicting the integrity of the proteins in each case is shown. M, migration of molecular mass standards. D, two-dimensional TLC of phosphorylated SP-WalR revealing phosphorylation at threonine in the autoradiogram and the migration of phosphoamino acid standards (tyrosine (pY), serine (pS), and threonine (pT)) by ninhydrin.