Evolutionary Conservation Data for SLC30A10
Putative transmembrane domains marked I–VI in gray. Positions with single, fully conserved residues are marked with an asterisk (∗). Conservation between groups of strongly and weakly similar properties is indicated by a colon (;) and a period (.), respectively. Amino acid substitutions are marked in color: yellow, missense mutation (c.266T>C [p.Leu89Pro]); black arrows, deletion (c.298_402del, [p.Val98_Phe134del]); blue, deletion (c.314_322del [p.Ala105_Pro107del]); green, single base deletion causing frame shift and premature stop codon (c.585del [p.Thr196Profs∗17]); pink, deletion (c.765_767del [p.Val256 del]); orange, nonsense mutation (c.922C>T [p.Gln308∗]); red, missense mutation (c.1046T>C [p.Leu349Pro]).