Table 3.
The Comparison of Differences in Cognitive Activity of Daily Living and Motor Functions after Rehabilitation between Two Groups
K-MMSE: Korean version of the Mini-mental status examination, VCPT: Visual continuous performance test, ACPT: Auditory continuous performance test, WCW: Word of color word in word-color test, CCW: Color of color word in word-color test, FDST: Forward digit span test, BDST: Backward digit span test, FVST: Forward visual span test, BVST: Backward visual span test, ViLT: Visual learning test, VeLT: Verbal learning test, TMT-A: Trail making test-type A, TOL: Tower of London test, K-MBI: Korean-Modified Barthel index, MI: Motricity index
*p<0.05, †p<0.01